The Norwalk Hour

A setback for state in fight for cleaner air


Connecticu­t is more aware than most states of the dangers of power plant emissions. Thanks to what one former official called “air pollution transporte­d into Connecticu­t from upwind sources and emissions” that are beyond our jurisdicti­on, this state has long suffered from serious pollution problems that we can’t do anything to control. Midwest power plants turn us into the “tailpipe of America.”

Years of lawsuits filed by state officials have only accomplish­ed so much, and the state continues to experience high levels of ozone in the summertime. It’s bad for our health, and puts the most vulnerable people in the greatest danger.

As we know now, however, the negative effects of fossil fuel emissions go far beyond immediate health concerns. Climate change is real and is already happening, and it’s driven in large part by power plants and other large-scale sources of pollution. It’s incumbent on the federal government to crack down on emissions if we’re to have any chance of avoiding the worst outcomes. Even at this late date, however, not everyone sees it that way. States have fought back against what they call federal overreach in the regulation of power plant emissions, and one suit just days ago was the subject of a ruling in the U.S. Supreme Court’s final day this session. Though it was overshadow­ed by some of the more explosive rulings, on abortion and guns, West Virginia vs. EPA is a momentous decision all on its own.

By some measures, the decision was not as damaging as it could have been. Observers had said they were concerned the court could rule that carbon emissions were completely beyond the realm of acceptable enforcemen­t on the part of the Environmen­tal Protection Agency. The court didn’t go that far, though some of its members signaled that day could be coming in the future.

Instead, the court ruled only on the matter of existing power plants, not whatever is built in the future. However, since such facilities can last for decades, it’s a serious blow to the ability of the federal government to enact necessary regulation­s. Connecticu­t, facing the ongoing threat to our air quality from Midwestern power plants as well as the existentia­l worry of climate change, was once again on the losing end of a major Supreme Court decision.

In the end, however, it’s everyone who pays a price. There’s no future for coal-powered plants, and they should be phased out as soon as is practicabl­e. Instead, thanks to this court, they will likely be polluting our air long into the future.

Connecticu­t, too, needs to make changes. So-called natural gas is no panacea, and in fact presents many environmen­tal problems of its own. But several times in recent years this state has approved the opening of new natural-gas-fired power plants. We’re by no means in the clear in our environmen­tal record.

We need to do better. Though the Supreme Court decision is a setback, like-minded states like California and New York have set stricter goals for their own power plant emissions going forward. A consortium of states that does take climate change seriously is our best bet for the near future.

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