The Norwalk Hour

Boogie boarding OK in moderation

- Keith Roach, M.D. Readers may email questions to: ToYourGood­Health@med or mail questions to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803.

Dear Dr. Roach: I have arthritis in both knees, but otherwise, I’m in good health (I’m 5’6” and weigh 130 pounds). My Fitbit indicates I get about 9,000 steps per day. I am ready for knee replacemen­t, but I’m concerned about one activity I do. We usually spend two consecutiv­e weeks at the beach, and I love to boogie board. When the tide is strong, it can take a lot of effort to get out to where the waves are.

Will I still be able to do this after knee surgery? I only do this activity during those two weeks. I live in

Ohio, so I am not sure that doctors here understand beach life.


Answer: In general, people may expect to return to most activities after knee replacemen­t surgery. Prosthetic knees are very sturdy, but there are still some activities that are generally not recommende­d after a knee replacemen­t, and these are ones that can cause high impact to the knee. It’s not the degree of effort; it’s avoiding sudden trauma to the new knee.

Repetitive high-impact activities, such as running, are not good for people with prosthetic knees. Activities where very high impact is likely, like football, hockey and rock climbing, are not recommende­d. By contrast, walking, hiking, swimming and cycling are recommende­d to do after surgery.

The most expert opinion I found on surfing advised that surfing is considered OK after a knee replacemen­t, and I found many testimonia­ls by surfers who have done well after surgery. However, I would ask you to have some common sense and avoid dangerous conditions, such as waves that should only be attempted by experts.

Since you only surf two weeks out of the year, I’d strongly urge you to do as much strength and stamina building exercise prior to your water adventures (I give the same advice to my patients who are passionate about skiing). When you are there, start slow and make sure your muscles are up to the task.\

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