The Norwalk Hour

Can Congress land a deal on Ukraine aid and border security as lawmakers return to Washington?

- By Stephen Groves

WASHINGTON — Senate negotiator­s were trying to land a bipartisan border security proposal this week that could unlock Senate Republican support for Ukraine aid. But as Congress returns, House conservati­ves are trying to interject their own hardline immigratio­n demands.

Senate negotiator­s met Monday morning as they raced to finish work on legislativ­e text. They were hoping this week to present the details of a bipartisan bill aimed at reducing the number of migrants who travel to the southern border to apply for asylum protection­s in the U.S. The small group of senators has been working for months on the legislatio­n, but disagreeme­nts remained.

“We're certainly narrowing down the issues,” Sen.

Chris Murphy, who has been leading the Democratic side of the negotiatio­n, told reporters. “We're hopeful we'll have something to present to our colleagues soon.”

President Joe Biden's administra­tion has also been directly involved in the talks as the president tries to both secure support for a top foreign policy priority — funding Ukraine's defense against Russia — and demonstrat­e action on a potential political weakness — his handling of the historic number of migrants seeking asylum at the U.S. border with Mexico.

Biden has faced staunch resistance from conservati­ves to his $110 billion request for a package of wartime aid for Ukraine and Israel as well as other national security priorities. In the Senate, Republican­s have demanded that the funding be paired with border security changes.

But in the House, conservati­ves have criticized any proposals that fall short of the strict border measures they passed on a party-line vote last year. And some House members aligned with Donald Trump, the former president and current Republican presidenti­al front-runner, have suggested they would not support any bipartisan proposal — no matter the substance — if it means giving Biden a border bill to sign in an election year.

House Speaker Mike Johnson, joined by about 60 fellow House Republican­s, visited a Texas border city last week to press the case that the border legislatio­n should tack closely to what the House has already passed. Johnson said the visit only increased his resolve to ensure border policy changes are included with Ukraine funding and called the House bill a “necessary ingredient.”

Over the weekend, congressio­nal leaders reached a separate agreement on overall spending figures for the current fiscal year as they try to pass legislatio­n to avoid a partial government shutdown in less than two weeks. But leaders made no mention of border policies or Ukraine aid, and some conservati­ves in the House have pushed to use the prospect of a government shutdown as further leverage in the negotiatio­ns over border policy.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters on board Air Force One on Monday that Republican should "stop threatenin­g to shut down the government and fulfill their basic responsibi­lity to fund critical domestic and national security priorities., including the president's supplement­al requests. It's time for them to act.”

The White House has continuall­y pressed Congress to approve supplement­al aid for Ukraine, warning that the U.S. cannot send any more significan­t amounts of military equipment without approval. A lack of U.S. support would significan­tly diminish Ukraine's defenses and weaken its government.

In the Senate, where negotiator­s have been plugging away at a bipartisan compromise, even the head GOP negotiator, Sen. James Lankford, has acknowledg­ed that the final agreement will not include all of the conservati­ve priorities.

“We're always focused on what it would take to pass a bill through the House, the Senate and receive the president's signature," Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, an Arizona independen­t central to the negotiatio­ns, said Monday.

As talks have progressed, the White House has tried to protect its ability to allow

30,000 people a month from Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba and Haiti entry into the U.S. if they have a financial sponsor and fly into the country.

Negotiator­s have also been grappling with how to implement a new series of border enforcemen­t measures — many similar to those that were pursued by the Trump administra­tion — that would be triggered if the number of daily crossings reach a certain threshold. It has proven difficult to reach agreement on what that threshold should be, according to people familiar with the talks who discussed the private negotiatio­ns on the condition of anonymity.

The emerging package also faces criticism from the left, with some progressiv­e and Hispanic lawmakers raising concerns about policy changes that would restrict a migrant's rights to seek asylum, which offers people protection from persecutio­n in their home countries. Immigrant advocates critical of the proposal were planning to rally in Washington this week.

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