The Norwalk Hour

Wide pulse pressure is concerning

- Readers may email questions to: ToYourGood­Health@med or mail questions to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803.

Dear Dr. Roach: Iam87 and have been jogging/ running for 35 years. I recently had a major upper-gastrointe­stinal bleed after collapsing and losing consciousn­ess. The problem was found and corrected. Since that time, my average blood pressure is now 134/46 mm Hg. Should this low diastolic blood pressure be a concern?


Answer: The difference between the systolic (the first number) and diastolic blood pressures (the second number) is called the pulse pressure, and yours is quite wide. It’s this number, rather than the low diastolic number, that is a bit concerning.

Low diastolic blood pressure is most commonly caused by stiff blood vessels. This tends to happen as we get older. However, a leaky aortic valve can also cause low diastolic blood pressures and wide pulse pressures. A wide pulse pressure does put people at a higher risk for heart attack. However, I don’t understand why these conditions would come after a gastrointe­stinal bleed.

Some blood pressure medication­s preferenti­ally act on diastolic blood pressure more than systolic. If you are on medication­s, it is time to review them with your prescribin­g physician or an expert, like a cardiologi­st.

Dear Dr. Roach: Does creatine enlarge the prostate, and can it lead to prostate enlargemen­t? A.A.

Answer: Creatine is a common supplement used by weightlift­ers and other athletes to boost physical performanc­e. It has generally been considered safe.

One study a few years ago found that some volunteers developed high levels of dihydrotes­tosterone while using creatine. This substance is implicated in enlarging the prostate. However, other studies did not find this result, and I couldn’t find studies that directly implicate creatine intake with prostate enlargemen­t. Both of these conditions are very common as men age, and it can be difficult to determine whether a person who has long used creatine would have developed these conditions regardless.

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