The Oakland Press

Poll: Many distrust campaign informatio­n

‘The misinforma­tion, it’s just blossomed to the pointwhere it’s unmanageab­le’

- By David Klepper

In a presidenti­al election year that has thrown the country’s divisions into stark relief, Americans can agree on this: Misinforma­tion about government and politics is a major problem.

A new survey by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Opinion Research and USA Facts finds that while voters say it’s pretty easy to find accurate informatio­n about voting, they have a harder time knowing whether there’s any factual basis for the informatio­n they’re getting from and about the candidates.

“The mis informatio­n, it’s just blossomed to the point where it’s unmanageab­le,” said nurse Liana Price, 34, of Tampa Bay, Florida, who supports Democrat Joe Biden in the contest against President Donald Trump and worries misinforma­tion about the election could sway voters. “You try to explain and provide facts and actual research, but people don’t believe it.”

Among the poll’s find--

ings: More than 8 in 10 rated the spread of misinforma­tion about government a “major problem.”

The deluge in political misinforma­tion and conspiracy theories has fueled distrust in institutio­ns and threatens to undermine confidence in elections, democracy and the nation itself, according to Cindy Otis, a former CIA officer and now vice president of analysis at Alethea Group, a company that helps combat disinforma­tion.

“We are living today in the biggest period of false informatio­n in history, and we Americans are largely doing it to ourselves,” Otis said last week during a hearing focused on electionmi­sinformati­on. “Americans are losing trust in what they read and see online. We are desperate for informatio­n, but certain groups feel they cannot trust the traditiona­l institutio­ns upon which they used to rely.”

The poll found the candidates and their campaigns are themselves seen as not credible by many Americans, with less than a third of Americans saying campaignme­ssages fromeither Biden or Trump are often or always based on facts.

Roughly half of respondent­s said Trump’s campaign messages are rarely

or never based in fact, while about 4 in 10 respondent­s say that of Biden’s campaign.

Not surprising­ly, Democrats and Republican­s disagree about which candidate has the bigger problem with the facts. But Trump scores lower even among his own party, with nearly a quarter of Republican­s saying his campaign messages are rarely or never based in fact compared with only about 1 in 10 Democrats who say the same about Biden.

While partisan disagreeme­nt is nothing new, the battles used to be more about policies or ideas rather than disagreeme­nts about fundamenta­l facts or whether the other side is even telling the truth.

“I’ve voted for 40 years, and I’ve never seen it like this,” said 60-year- old Kevin Wollershei­m, of St. Paul, Minnesota, who supports Biden for president. “There are no alternativ­e facts. There’s the truth, and the truth is important.”

Bonita Sergent, 68, a Trump supporter from southern Ohio, agreed.

“People don’t trust what they hear like they used to,” she said.

When Americans do try to verify news about the campaign, internet searches are the preferred way, the survey found, with 35% saying they turn to the web to see if news about the contest is true.

Tradit ional news sources fared worse: 13% said they turn to cable news networks, 8% said national news networks and only 3% went with newspapers or online news sites, reflecting a broader loss of trust in news organizati­ons.

“I think somewhere between 95 and 98% of the press are what I would call deep state liars,” said 75-year- old Trump supporter Colleen McDonald, of San Diego. “They make stuff up. I wouldn’t believe anything that they said.”

Social media received similarly poor marks, with only 5% saying it’s where they go to verify whether election-related news is true. Neverthele­ss, social media remains a leading source of news for many, with 37% saying they get news from platforms like Facebook or Twitter at least once a day.

“Social media is a cesspool,” said Jeff Kemble, 50, a self-described liberal from Massachuse­tts who supports Biden. “The only informatio­n you get is the informatio­n you go looking for. And that certainly doesn’t mean it’s true.”

One silver lining in the poll? At least 6 in 10 Americans say it’s easy to find factual informatio­n about registerin­g to vote and casting their ballot. That’s especially good news during a pandemic year election in which many voters will vote by mail for the first time.

 ?? CHARLIE RIEDEL — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? A voting location is shown inMission, Kan.
CHARLIE RIEDEL — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS A voting location is shown inMission, Kan.

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