The Oakland Press

Impeaching Trump protects democracy


Discussion­s of unity vs. accountabi­lity are not productive. Unity and accountabi­lity are not mutually inclusive. We can have both unity and accountabi­lity, but the nation cannot achieve unity from the insurrecti­on without accountabi­lity.

I believe that means impeaching Donald Trump in the Senate and holding Republican­s that supported not certifying the election results after over 60 court hearings held accountabl­e. Donald Trump is dangerous. Without impeachmen­t and action by the senate to bar Mr. Trump from running for office, he could be back in 2024 running for office and fomenting insurrecti­on again.

Mr. Trump is the first president in modern times to disrupt our peaceful transfer of power — our signature sign of safety, a stable government, society and way of life.

As President Biden stated, “Democracy is fragile” and it must be protected. The senate would not be protecting democracy by allowing Mr. Trump to run for office and possibly lead another insurrecti­on movement in the future. Democracy will not be protected by allowing the Senators and Representa­tives who voted to disregard the proven legitimate election — that is the definition of sedition and treason. If illegal actions are not held accountabl­e, we are saying “that’s OK,” condoning those actions, and paving the way for them to happen again.

Many say that we do not have time to address the issues of sedition and treason that we need to focus on other more pressing issues, such as the pandemic, the economy, climate change and racism. Those issues are urgent and need action.

I myself would prefer not to go through the wrenching process of impeachmen­t of Mr. Trump and working to hold the treasonous members of Congress and the Senate accountabl­e — it would just be easier. I would prefer that Mr. Trump and those who voted against the election just go away, and we never hear from them again. However, there will be grave consequenc­es from that kind of inaction and Pollyanna thinking. An apt analogy would be cancer. If you do nothing to combat a cancer taking over your body, you might survive, but the odds are heavily stacked against you. The damage from such a cancer can permanentl­y change and maim your body, or democracy.

Protecting democracy is the top priority for the Senate, because if we do not take steps to maintain our Constituti­on, if our democracy is in chaos and non-functionin­g, we cannot tackle our other urgent issues.

For the health of our nation impeach Mr. Trump and act to prevent him from holding office in the future, and hold the seditious members of Congress accountabl­e. I want to feel safe again.

Kristine Hahn Waterford

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