The Oklahoman

Crow Tribe war chief is remembered as a ‘great man in 2 worlds’


MONTANA | BILLINGS — Montana officials and tribal leaders in ceremonial headdresse­s laid to rest a revered warrior and keeper of Crow Indian traditions Wednesday: 102-year-old Jim Medicine Crow.

He was the last in a long line of Crow Tribe war chiefs and later successful­ly assimilate­d into the modern world to gain widespread acclaim as an American Indian historian. More than 700 mourners, including Gov. Steve Bullock and other state officials, gathered to bid Medicine Crow farewell at a service marked by military pomp and traditiona­l regalia.

People in headdresse­s or cowboy hats and jeans packed into the one building on the Crow Reservatio­n large enough to fit them all, viewing a flagdraped coffin flanked by Medicine Crow’s World War II uniform and a picture of him in a massive feathered headdress.

During a service that stretched more than two hours, those who knew Medicine Crow recounted his military exploits and his contributi­ons to preserving his tribe’s culture.

Medal of freedom

Medicine Crow, who died Sunday, spent decades cataloging Crow history and was awarded the Presidenti­al Medal of Freedom by President Barack Obama in 2009.

He attained the title of war chief for a series of deeds performed during combat in World War II, including hand-to-hand combat with a German soldier whose life Medicine Crow spared. During the war, he wore an eagle feather under his helmet and war paint beneath his uniform.

He later said that Plains Indian warfare was not about killing so much as leadership, honor and intelligen­ce.

Embraced change

Medicine Crow embraced the changes that came with settling the West, and he worked to bridge his people’s cultural traditions with the opportunit­ies of modern society.

“He was a great man in two worlds, not only in mainstream society but also in the Crow way,” tribal chairman Darren Old Coyote said in a eulogy. “To try to tell his story in one day does not do him justice.”

As an honor guard fired rifles, Medicine Crow became the first person to be buried in the Apsaalooke veterans cemetery.

A native of the rural town of Lodge Grass, Medicine Crow grew up hearing stories as a child from direct participan­ts in the Battle of Little Bighorn. They included his grandfathe­r, White Man Runs Him, a scout for Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer.

His son, Ronald Medicine Crow, told The Associated Press that his father was a brilliant man.

“He said, ‘I never was a smart man to begin with, but I love to learn.’ He said this is the way to get somewhere in life,” the son said.

Obama released a statement after Medicine Crow’s death saying his dedication to promoting his tribe’s culture “helped shape a fuller history of America for us all.”

 ?? [AP PHOTO] ?? Mourners in full headdress Wednesday attend the funeral of Joe Medicine Crow at the Apsaalooke Veterans Cemetery near Crow Agency, Mont.
[AP PHOTO] Mourners in full headdress Wednesday attend the funeral of Joe Medicine Crow at the Apsaalooke Veterans Cemetery near Crow Agency, Mont.

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