The Oklahoman

Armed intruder drill tests preparedne­ss


NORMAN — Two gunmen enter Norman Regional Hospital, shooting people and taking hostages.

That was the scenario during an armed intruder drill at Norman Regional Hospital that engaged police, first responders and medical personnel.

The exercise that mimicked a real-life crisis was designed to train emergency responders and caregivers at the hospital in how to handle such an emergency, should it occur.

Most of the exercise Wednesday took place in a part of the hospital that is no longer in use, but the drill could be heard from outside and from certain areas of the hospital as sirens and fire alarms sounded, and simulated gunshots were fired.

Norman Regional Health System officials said they routinely train for disaster and emergency situations and were fortunate to partner with Norman police to stage the exercise.

 ??  ?? A designated shooter moves down a hallway at Norman Regional Hospital during an armed intruder drill that involved police, first responders and medical personnel.
A designated shooter moves down a hallway at Norman Regional Hospital during an armed intruder drill that involved police, first responders and medical personnel.

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