The Oklahoman

Grandparen­ts veto couple’s plan to start a family

- Contact Dear Abby at www. or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

I have been married for almost five years, and my husband and I recently decided to try to have a baby. I am really excited about the possibilit­y of being a mom. My problem is, my parents and his parents don’t want to be grandparen­ts. I will be 30 this year, and they keep telling me I should wait until I’m 40 to have kids. I have endometrio­sis, and I know if I wait too long it will be even harder to get pregnant.

On top of all the pressure our families are putting me under, I just found out my sister has been married almost a year and hasn’t told anyone. I don’t want to disappoint our families or force something on them they are not ready for. I’m not sure what to do now. I want my husband and me to be happy. Any advice would be appreciate­d.

You are allowing your parents (and in-laws) to weigh in on a decision that should be yours and your husband’s alone. Your reason for not wanting to postpone motherhood makes sense.

Understand that not everyone wants to be a grandparen­t and be glad you’re finding out upfront that the parents will not be baby-sitting. Take from this the lesson that you must live your own life.

And, by the way, so should your sister. If there are consequenc­es from her elopement, she should experience them. But don’t allow yourself to be dragged into her drama.

I have a wonderful husband I love deeply and can’t imagine my life without. We have a beautiful marriage. We never fight or really even argue. We have been together for 11 years and only during the last couple of years has he started doing something that troubles me. In the afternoon or evening, if I need to go to the store —or anywhere for that matter —he gets upset and gives me the silent treatment and doesn’t want me to go.

I trust him and let him do whatever he wants. I have never given him a reason to not trust me, so why does it make him so angry if I need to run to the store? I feel I deserve the same respect and trust that I show him. How do I make him see how much it hurts me for him to act like this? What you are describing is a red flag that if ignored could ruin your beautiful marriage. Your husband’s insecurity and need to control you may stem from the fact that he has been hiding something from you. Tell him that you love him, but for the sake of your marriage, the two of you should go to couples counseling.


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