The Oklahoman

States sue over EPA’s decision to keep pesticide on market

- BY MICHAEL BIESECKER The Associated Press

Several states are seeking to join a legal challenge to a Trump administra­tion decision to keep a widely used pesticide on the market despite studies showing it can harm children’s brains.

Led by New York, the coalition filed a motion Wednesday to intervene in a legal fight over the continued spraying of chlorpyrif­os on food. Massachuse­tts, Maryland, Vermont, Washington, and the District of Columbia are also seeking to join the suit pending before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in San Francisco.

The states claim that Environmen­tal Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt violated the law by ending his agency’s effort to ban the pesticide sold by Dow Chemical after federal scientists concluded it can interfere with the brain developmen­t of fetuses and infants.

Federal law requires EPA to ensure that pesticides used on food in the United States are safe for human consumptio­n — especially by children, who studies show are typically far more sensitive to negative effects from pesticides.

“Job No. 1 for the EPA should be protecting Americans’ well-being, especially that of our children,” said Eric Schneiderm­an, the attorney general of New York, in announcing the legal action. “Yet the administra­tion is jeopardizi­ng our kids’ health, allowing the use of a toxic pesticide for which it can’t even identify a safe level.”

The EPA said Thursday it was reviewing the lawsuit.

Pruitt told Congress last month his decision was based on “meaningful data and meaningful science.” Despite repeated requests, EPA has thus far not provided The Associated Press with copies of any scientific studies Pruitt consulted in determinin­g the pesticide is safe.

Public health advocates have been pushing for years to ban chlorpyrif­os, which is commonly sprayed on citrus fruits, apples, cherries and other crops. Lawyers for Dow and the makers of two other organophos­phate pesticides also asked the Trump administra­tion “to set aside” the results of government studies showing they pose a risk to nearly every federally protected endangered species.

Last month, the American Academy of Pediatrics also urged EPA to ban chlorpyrif­os.

The group representi­ng more than 66,000 pediatrici­ans and pediatric surgeons said it is “deeply alarmed” by Pruitt’s decision to allow the pesticide’s continued use.

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