The Oklahoman



Barbara Hall, the creator and producer of “Judging Amy” and “Joan of Arcadia,” said, “You are what you are because of the conscious and subconscio­us choices you have made.”

Bridge players usually make conscious choices, but occasional­ly an expert will produce a bid or play because it “felt right” at the time. In this deal, though, North had the opportunit­y to offer his partner a choice that worked very well.

South had such a soft 18-point hand that he almost opened one no-trump. (The Kaplan-Rubens evaluation method rates it at 15 points!) However, after South showed a balanced 18 or 19, North used New Minor Forcing to find out that partner had three-card spade support. But he then made an excellent choice, continuing with three no-trump to offer partner a choice of games, North’s sequence having guaranteed five spades. South had an easy pass.

Note that four spades had no chance, with one loser in each suit.

Against three no-trump, West’s best lead would have been a low heart. Then declarer would have had to attack diamonds first to remove East’s entry to his long hearts. When West chose a low club, declarer won with dummy’s nine and played a spade to his queen. West took the trick and shifted to a heart, but South won with dummy’s king and led a diamond. East grabbed that trick and returned a heart, but the contract was safe.

In a 13-table duplicate, six other North-Souths reached three no-trump, each when North raised two no-trump to three. The rest went down in four spades.

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