The Oklahoman

A nice reminder of nation’s allure


THE partisan sniping and the over-the-top rhetoric so prevalent in our nation’s politics (and elsewhere in society) can produce cynicism and malaise. A nice pick-me-up is provided by naturaliza­tion ceremonies such as the one held Friday in Oklahoma City.

In a large third-floor courtroom of the federal courthouse, 79 people raised their right hand and pledged their allegiance to the United States, the final step in becoming naturalize­d U.S. citizens. They were greeted with whoops and rousing applause from friends and family.

This newest group of Americans came from 29 countries — places like Trinidad and Tobago, Bangladesh, Egypt, Mexico, China, Burma and the Marshall Islands. They’re among the 700,000 to 750,000 who become naturalize­d citizens each year, according to the U.S. Citizen and Immigratio­n Services.

Applicants for citizenshi­p must be 18 or older, and lawful permanent residents (green card holders) who have lived in the United States for at least five years. New citizens must be “of good moral character,” be able to read, speak, write and understand English, and, as the citizen and immigratio­n agency notes on its website “have knowledge of U.S. government and history.” That knowledge is gleaned from learning the answers to 100 civics questions, some of which might stump many of us born and bred in the United States.

In short, those who become U.S. citizens earn it — and they find the work well worth it.

Carlos Villegas, a native of Mexico who lives in Oklahoma City, said he was excited to be able to join his wife as a U.S. citizen after three years pursuing the honor. “Just happy and proud,” Villegas said. “Proud to stand for America.”

Tsevelmaa Yadmaa of Mongolia, a general surgeon who lives in Oklahoma City, had spent more than five years on the process. “I’m happy because I’ve waited long,” she said. “I’m excited — freedom for me and a lot of opportunit­y.”

Her husband, Wusthu, had previously become a citizen. “I’m excited that we both became naturalize­d,” he said. “We’ve been working together for a while” to get to that point.

The group heard District Judge Joe Heaton, who presided, encourage them to stay informed about public affairs and take an active role. “I suspect there is no country in the world where the status of ‘citizen’ is as important as it is here,” Heaton said.

U.S. Sen. James Lankford, R-Oklahoma City, told the group that the gathering was a reminder “of what a great joy it is to be an American. … There is no country on the planet like the United States of America.”

That sentiment was found in comments from one of the newly minted citizens, Tony Barton, of Enid by way of Essex County, England. He has been in the United States more than 13 years and said he has grown to love this country and its varied culture. “It’s amazing the amount of diversity under one roof,” Barton said. “I wanted to be part of it.”

These ceremonies provide a vivid reminder that, despite its problems, this country remains a beacon to the rest of the world. May it always be so.

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