The Oklahoman

Is Europe awakening to threat?

- Cal Thomas

The United States is spending far more on NATO than any other Country. This is not fair, nor is it acceptable.” President Trump, in a tweet Monday

Much of Europe was asleep, or in denial, when the Nazis took power and began rebuilding their military in violation of the Versailles Treaty that brought World War I to an end. Now, after years of virtually unlimited migration from predominat­ely North African and other Muslim regions, some European nations are awakening to what this could mean for their countries and are responding, hoping it’s not too late.

Sebastian Kurz, the far-right chancellor of Austria, has plans, according to the Daily Mail, to

“expel up to 60 Turkish funded imams and their families and ... shut down seven mosques as part of a crackdown on

‘political Islam.’” These mosques, Austria says, are being subsidized by the Turkish government, which is becoming more radical after the recent election, which granted President Recep Tayyip Erdogan new powers as he seeks to create a more “pious generation” in order to change to country and make it more Islamic.

Justificat­ion for Kurz’s move comes from a 2015 law banning foreign funding of religious groups. He told a recent news conference: “Parallel societies, political Islam and radicaliza­tion have no place in our country . ... This is just the beginning.”

Erdogan reacted by warning of a “war between the cross and the crescent.” That war started centuries ago and manifests itself today in ways not limited to terrorist acts.

Czech Republic President Milos Zeman has said it is “practicall­y impossible” for Muslims to integrate into modern Europe. Zeman, a political liberal, also “blamed the New Year’s Eve sex attacks in Cologne, Germany, on ‘Muslim culture.’”

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has had a virtual open-door policy, particular­ly for Muslims from Syria. Recent opinion polls show a majority of Germans now oppose the policy as the burden on social programs increases in direct proportion to the overwhelmi­ng majority of immigrants unable to find jobs.

While parts of Europe appear to be awakening from their slumber, Canada and the United States (President Trump excepted) have had a record of denial to what some believe is an ongoing invasion.

In Canada, Sheikh Shafiq Hudda has accused several organizati­ons and individual­s of defamation, because they misquoted him as wishing for the “eradicatio­n” of all 8.2 million Israelis. In fact, he claims, he was praying for “the eradicatio­n of only 6 million Israeli Zionists.”

Thanks for the clarificat­ion, Sheikh. Why is he still in Canada?

In a new study of select textbooks in use in Saudi Arabia, some of which have been used in Islamic schools here, the U.S. Commission on Internatio­nal Religious Freedom said it is “disappoint­ed to find inflammato­ry content remains in Saudi textbooks previously thought to have been removed.”

As The Washington Post noted after a previous review of Saudi textbooks in 2006, “despite the Saudi government’s statements to the contrary, an ideology of hatred toward Christians and Jews and Muslims who do not follow Wahhabi doctrine remains in this area of the public school system. The texts teach a dualistic vision, dividing the world into true believers of Islam (the ‘monotheist­s’) and unbeliever­s (the ‘polytheist­s’ and ‘infidels’).

“This indoctrina­tion begins in a first-grade text,” reported the Post, “and is reinforced and expanded each year, culminatin­g in a 12th-grade text instructin­g students that their religious obligation includes waging jihad against the infidel to ‘spread the faith.’”

Why are Islamic schools that teach this stuff and the mosques that support them allowed to remain open?

Some in Europe are awakening to the threat of uncontroll­ed Muslim immigratio­n. The United States and Canada would do well to follow their lead.

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