The Oklahoman


Vaccines remain important at any age.

- BY RYAN STEWART Ryan Stewart is media relations coordinato­r for Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation.

Although you may associate them with childhood, vaccines remain important at any age.

“Vaccinatio­ns are an important part of staying healthy for all adults,” said Dr. Stephen Prescott, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation president.

For starters, he said, make a point of getting the annual flu shot. It’s an every-year necessity, as the virus mutates constantly.

“The flu shot is one that we know we should get, but that doesn’t mean we all get it,” Prescott said. “It’s not perfect, but it is your single best defense against the flu.”

The combined vaccine for tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (known as whooping cough) also should be on your checklist, Prescott said. All adults should receive this vaccine — known as DTaP or TDaP — if they didn’t as children, and then a tetanus and diphtheria booster every 10 years after.

Since the introducti­on of the vaccine, cases of tetanus and diphtheria have dropped by 99 percent, and whooping cough has been reduced by 80 percent. But those numbers are expected to climb.

“I really encourage this for protection from all three, but pertussis in particular has had a large resurgence in adults because of the waning in immunizati­on for children,” Prescott said.

Two more key vaccines come along once you’re a little longer in the tooth. The FDA recently lowered the vaccinatio­n age for shingles to 50, and doctors say the new shingles vaccine, Shingrix, is a must. It’s also recommende­d that you get the new vaccine even if you’ve previously received the first shingles vaccine, Zostavax.

“If you have ever had chickenpox, the shingles virus is already in your body, and as you get older, your immune system becomes less equipped to keep it at bay,” Prescott said. “This new vaccine is superior, and everyone should get it as soon as they are eligible. The risk rises with age, so get it as soon as you can to be safe.”

Another must-have for adults age 65 and up is the pneumococc­al vaccine. The CDC also recommends the vaccine for children younger than 2, but it’s important to receive it again later in life.

Pneumococc­al symptoms can range from ear and sinuses infections to pneumonia and bloodstrea­m infections. It can even be fatal. There are two primary vaccines for pneumococc­us, PCV13 and PPSV23, that you should receive about one year apart.

Other vaccines are a little more specialize­d and the need for them depends on your lifestyle, travel habits, health condition or other factors. These include yellow fever, hepatitis A and B, and HPV. If you never received the MMR vaccine — measles, mumps and rubella — you should also consider getting one now because the number of cases is on the rise as fewer people immunize their children.

“You should ask your doctor for advice on which additional ones you need for your circumstan­ces,” Prescott said.

“The important takeaway message is: Get vaccinated. Many of the vaccines you’ll need as you age will give you the best shot at long-term health and can even save your life.”

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 ?? [AP FILE PHOTO] ?? A pediatrici­an holds a dose of the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine in 2015 at his practice in California.
[AP FILE PHOTO] A pediatrici­an holds a dose of the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine in 2015 at his practice in California.
 ?? [AP FILE PHOTO] ?? Dr. Harry Chen gives a whooping cough vaccine in 2012 in Barre, Vermont.
[AP FILE PHOTO] Dr. Harry Chen gives a whooping cough vaccine in 2012 in Barre, Vermont.
 ??  ?? Oklahoma Medical Research President Dr. Stephen Prescott
Oklahoma Medical Research President Dr. Stephen Prescott

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