The Oklahoman

Nation to commence saying goodbye to George H.W. Bush


WASHINGTON — Americans will begin saying goodbye to former President George H.W. Bush on Monday when his body arrives in Washington for public viewing in the Capitol Rotunda — a rare honor that will be bestowed on a man who earned the respect and admiration of many with his leadership, bravery and grace.

The public viewing will kick off four days of events that will include a state funeral at Washington’s National Cathedral on Wednesday and a private service at Bush’s longtime church in Houston on Thursday. But tributes from leaders around the world have been pouring in since his death Friday night.

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell called him “a perfect American” for how “he served the country in so many capacities.”

“He never forgot who he was,” Powell, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during Bush’s presidency, told ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday. “He never let it all go to his head. He was a man of great humility.”

Bush, who died at his Houston home at age 94, will be buried Thursday on the grounds of his presidenti­al library at Texas A&M University.

James Baker, Bush’s former chief of staff and secretary of state, called his boss’s tenure in office “a consequent­ial presidency” because of his foreign policy achievemen­ts.

“Yes, he’s a one-term president ... but he is going to be and was a very consequent­ial one-term president. And I would argue far and away the best one-term president we’ve ever had,” Baker told ABC’s “This Week.”

Bush’s crowning achievemen­t as president was assembling the internatio­nal military coalition that liberated the tiny, oilrich nation of Kuwait from invading Iraq in 1991 in a war that lasted just 100 hours. He also presided over the end of the Cold War between the United States and the former Soviet Union.

A humble hero of World War II, Bush was just 20 when he survived being shot down during a bombing run over Japan. He enlisted in the Navy on his 18th birthday.

Shortly before leaving the service, he married his 19-year-old sweetheart, Barbara Pierce, in a union that lasted until her death earlier this year.

“He knew what combat was all about,” Powell said on “This Week.” ‘’He knew that combat meant the death of people, people on your side and people on the other side. And so he wanted to avoid a war.”

 ?? [AP PHOTO] ?? Tiffany Utterson and her children, from left to right, Ella, 11, Ian, 10 and Owen, 8, place a wreath Sunday outside the gated community entrance to the home of George H.W. Bush in Houston.
[AP PHOTO] Tiffany Utterson and her children, from left to right, Ella, 11, Ian, 10 and Owen, 8, place a wreath Sunday outside the gated community entrance to the home of George H.W. Bush in Houston.

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