The Oklahoman

Woman ambushed by husband's long affair

- Jeanne Phillips Contact Dear Abby at UNIVERSAL UCLICK

DEAR ABBY: I recently found out my husband has been having a four-year affair with a woman 24 years younger than I am. He met her at work. He tells me he loves her, but he loves me more. Abby, they actually thought I would agree to him taking her on as a second wife, but, of course, I refused. They no longer see each other, but communicat­e regularly by text. He misses her, she misses him, and I am deeply hurt, since nothing will ever be the same. I am also devastated because of my husband's four years of lies and deception. I didn't suspect a thing and always loved him deeply. Can I get over this?

— Hurting in Washington

DEAR HURTING: Getting past this will take both cooperatio­n from your husband and the services of a licensed marriage and family therapist. You were lied to and betrayed. That he and his paramour remain in touch indicates their emotional affair is ongoing. For trust to be rebuilt, that must end.

DEAR ABBY: My son-inlaw is lazy and arrogant. My daughter seems to think he walks on water. He has answers and excuses for everything. I'm realizing that he may never amount to anything, because he has no ambition. They recently had a baby, and he does very little to help. Washing and sterilizin­g bottles leaves him “exhausted.” I treasure my relationsh­ip with my daughter and grandson and want them all to want to come over and be close. I am trying to keep my mouth shut, but my daughter knows how I feel. How do I navigate this challenge of having to bite my lip when I see him lying around with a sink full of dishes? What am I allowed to say without alienating him?

— Exasperate­d Mom in Canada

DEAR MOM: If you are wise, you will keep your thoroughly chewed lip zipped. Your daughter knows how you feel. This is her problem, not yours, so let her handle it.

DEAR ABBY: We are part of a group of four couples who arrange to get together for dinners. One of the couples continuall­y invites another couple at the last minute without checking with the rest of us. We are hosting a dinner and planned it around the eight of us, only to find out this couple has invited another couple — again! I explained to the woman that I don't think it's nice to invite additional people without first checking with the hosts, certainly not at 10 o'clock the night before, but they don't want to leave the fifth couple out. This is the third time this has happened, and others have spoken to her about it to no avail. Please help!

— Uninvited in Delaware DEAR UNINVITED: Discuss it with the other group members and agree to disinvite this couple from your group.

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