The Oklahoman

Approachin­g troubled times with faith, gratitude

- Jane Jayroe Gamble — Jane Jayroe Gamble For The Oklahoman

Many people know Phil Busey Sr. as the founder of Delaware Resource Group and co-founder with his wife of the El Sistema music program for underserve­d children. But there is much more to his story.

Phil Busey is a member of the Delaware Tribe and Cherokee Nation Tribe. He attended Oklahoma City University as a scholar athlete, where his dad was a custodian.

He met his wife, Cathy, at OCU, graduated from OCU law school and had three children. Life looked like it was on a grand trajectory toward success.

Then it wasn't. Several years ago, at an OCU event honoring Phil's success, he pointed to a time of failure and discourage­ment as a turning point in his life. It was during a low point in his career when he walked into his home one evening with little hope. Cathy immediatel­y noticed his mood and asked him why he was so down.

“What's the matter?” she asked. Phil answered, “'What's the matter?' I don't have a job; I don't know if I have a future. I don't know how I'm going to pay our mortgage or what I'm going to do about anything.”

Without blinking, Cathy answered, “Is that all?” She stared at him and said, “Walk in there and look at those three beautiful, healthy, kids sitting at the table in our home. We've got the most important things.”

Phil realized that she was right. Together they changed their perspectiv­e on how to approach troubled times — through faith and with gratitude.

That was the beginning of a new career for Phil — from law to business.

Today, Cathy and Phil are blessed with businesses that impact thousands of people around the world.

Their children have grown into bright, caring adults. Life has been great — but then came another life crisis.

Almost overnight, at the age of 61, Phil became partially paralyzed by what was diagnosed as GuillainBa­rre syndrome, a rare nerve disorder.

His health became critical and he lost the ability to walk.

This time he didn't need Cathy to remind him of his blessings, he had been living in gratitude for years. Now, they learned to live in faith. Phil's health stabilized and he continues to work on his recovery. Phil says his faith has grown and he has learned to be grateful for every gift.

The Buseys inspire so many others.

None of us know for sure what tomorrow brings — a job loss, a health decline, a pandemic?

But we can be grateful for what we have. We can live with courage and strength knowing that God is with us.

Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go

— Joshua 1:9.

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