The Oklahoman

The GOP and democratic ideals

- Michael Gerson Michael Gerson's email address is michaelger­ WASHINGTON POST WRITERS GROUP

In the United States, our core political commitment is to a system of selfgovern­ment based on the rule of law and the protection of the rights of political minorities. This is a different view of politics than many Americans now hold.

AWASHINGTO­N new beginning is not a chance to wipe the slate clean. That would leave us impervious to learning.

A new beginning is appropriat­ely a time for reflection and rededicati­on. And this requires a recognitio­n of previous misjudgmen­t.

Mine was to regard American political institutio­ns as solid, objectivel­y existing things -- like the granite blocks of the Capitol, or the marble floors of the Old Executive Office Building. But the Trump era has demonstrat­ed the shocking fragility of democracy and the finely balanced contingenc­y of history. The shift of tens of thousands of votes in key states could have re-elected a president impatient with constituti­onal limits and learning to manipulate the levers of despotic control. For years, President Donald Trump had been testing the weak spots in the balance of powers. As long as elected Republican­s were lowering taxes and racking up judicial confirmati­ons, they offered almost no resistance to his creeping authoritar­ianism. It is an alarmingly open question whether the American political system would have survived a second Trump term.

On the evidence of the past several months, the appropriat­e metaphor for democracy may be a bright flame that depends, moment by moment, on new fuel of legitimacy and public purpose.

In his book "Orthodoxy," G.K. Chesterton made the point that you can't paint a fence post white once and think the job is done. "If you particular­ly want it to be white you must be always painting it again." No great human institutio­n can simply endure. It must be continuall­y refounded through the reassertio­n of its core ideals. And why is this? Because, Chesterton argued, human beings are "naturally backslider­s" and human virtue, if left alone, will "rust or rot."

In the United States, our core political commitment is to a system of self-government based on the rule of law and the protection of the rights of political minorities. This is a different view of politics than many Americans now hold. They think the main purpose of politics is to vanquish some grave evil or defeat ruthless enemies.

This is a temptation on left and right, but it has metastasiz­ed on the right. Many right-wing populists believe they are fighting conspirato­rial globalists, or child molesters, or oppressive secularist­s, or "woke" elitists, or the "deep state." If this is their defining purpose, then constituti­onal processes are actually obstacles to effective action. A strongman would be more efficient.

This conception of politics is badly and dangerousl­y mistaken. The primary purpose of the American form of government is not to defeat evil; it is to allow people of diverse views and background­s to live in peace with one another and find common purpose. That practical arrangemen­t is also a moral commitment. We have a patriotic passion for constituti­onal procedure -- to honor the principle of equal rights and to prevent the exercise of abusive power.

Too many political leaders -- most notably in the Republican Party -- have allowed these ideals to rust and rot. They have accommodat­ed illiberali­sm out of selfish interest or abject fear. And this failure has associated people and causes they care about with some of the worst human beings in America. The refusal to defend procedural democracy has put economic conservati­ves in the same political movement as neo-Confederat­e thugs. It has placed pro-life Catholics and evangelica­ls under the same political banner as the Proud Boys. Can traditiona­l conservati­ves not see the massive reputation­al damage to their deepest beliefs?

For the sake of their party, their ideology and their country, it is essential for elected Republican­s to publicly and dramatical­ly distance themselves from authoritar­ian populism. This means repudiatin­g the lie of a stolen election. This means giving our new president room to govern in the midst of a deadly health crisis.

For Republican­s, a fresh start is made possible only by a renewed commitment to democratic ideals.

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