The Oklahoman

Rampant inflation overshadow­s job gains

Biden’s message of progress competes with voters’ fears ahead of mid-terms

- Christophe­r Rugaber and Josh Boak

REHOBOTH BEACH, Delaware – President Joe Biden came before the television cameras Friday to celebrate yet another month of healthy job growth and low unemployme­nt and the fastest pace of hiring in four decades under his watch.

“The job market,” the president declared, “is the strongest it’s been since just after World War II.”

Yet just as it often does, the subject soon turned to the rampant inflation that has emerged as the economic issue most on Americans’ minds and a leading reason for Biden’s sunken public approval ratings.

Voters have made clear in surveys that their attention is focused much more on soaring gasoline and food prices than on the plentiful availabili­ty of jobs. A yearlong accelerati­on of prices in the aftermath of the pandemic recession – to the highest levels in four decades – has left many Americans struggling with the cost of necessitie­s and dissatisfied with the overall economy.

On Friday, that dynamic left Biden promising to fix the economy to try to shore up public confidence and his flagging poll numbers.

“There’s no denying prices, particular­ly around gasoline and food, are real problems,” the president said in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, where he was spending the weekend. “I understand that families who are struggling probably don’t care why prices rose. They just want to bring them down.”

It was a stark illustrati­on of the shifting political and economic landscape Biden and Democrats in Congress face as midterm elections loom. For decades, as inflation remained tame, job growth and unemployme­nt tended to be the top economic metrics by which voters judged presidents. But now, Biden faces a new era in which, for most

Americans, chronicall­y high inflation has eclipsed a consistent­ly strong job market.

The shift shows how the seemingly timeless truths of American politics can become reshaped by the lived-in realities of voters in which old priorities fade and new fears emerge.

At just 3.6%, the unemployme­nt rate is near a half-century low, and on Friday the government reported that employers added 390,000 more jobs in May – roughly double the pre-pandemic pace. Businesses advertised more than 11 million open jobs in April, down only slightly from a record high in March.

Yet Americans are gloomy about the economic outlook and Biden’s record. Two-thirds of Americans disapprove of his handling of the economy, according to a poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Research conducted in mid-May.

One reason for the disconnect is that people perceive inflation and job gains in very different ways, Felicia Wong, president of the liberal Roosevelt Institute, said during a webinar this week.

“People attribute better jobs and higher wages to their own individual­ized actions,” said Wong, who served on the Biden-Harris transition team. “‘I did a good job. I got a raise.’ I don’t think that most people think about a strong labor market enabled by and driven by policy choices. In contrast, people definitely blame someone else when gas prices go up, when food prices go up.”

Higher inflation, partly stemming from supply chain snarls and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, is causing hardships for millions of Americans, particular­ly lower-income and Black and Hispanic households, which spend a disproport­ionate share of their income on gas, rent and food.

Wages have been rising, but not as fast as prices, thereby eroding most Americans’ spending power. As a result, more people say they’re struggling to pay their weekly bills, according to the Census Bureau’s most recent Household Pulse Survey.

Even with a solid job market, 16 million more households over the past year said they found it “somewhat” or “very” difficult to pay their expenses, the survey found in early May. More households say they’re getting by with credit cards, spending down their savings or borrowing from others.

The financial strain has grown even as the survey showed a 78% decline in households relying on unemployme­nt benefits – a sign that job growth has been insufficient to offset the problems caused by inflation.

Fear of inflation began to build more than a year ago, according to surveys of the likely electorate by the Republican polling firm Echelon Insights. Biden and White House aides initially downplayed the risk that their $1.9 trillion coronaviru­s relief package could spark higher inflation.

They focused instead on the muscular job growth that followed the government spending.

Patrick Ruffini, a partner at Echelon Insights, said that high inflation has caused more voters to favor reductions in government spending and greater oil and gas production – policies favored by Republican lawmakers. Even if inflation falls from current levels, Biden would still likely face the same kind of hostile midterm environmen­t his predecesso­rs endured in 2014 and 2018. At the same time, his past claims that inflation would fade have hurt his credibilit­y.

“For a long time, the Biden administra­tion was not even seeming to acknowledg­e the problem,” Ruffini said.

The president has repeatedly called inflation a “top priority.” Yet he’s also said that the responsibi­lity for reducing it rests first and foremost with the Federal Reserve.

That messaging may work with economists, Ruffini suggested, but voters want to see “political leadership.”

It’s very different from what Biden and his economic team expected when they took office in 2021. Vaccines weren’t yet being rolled out. And the main worry among Biden and economic officials was that the economy would grind through another slow jobs recovery, similar to what occurred after the 2008 Great Recession. It took more than six years from the start of that downturn to recover all the lost jobs.

“We want to get something economists call ‘full employment,’ ” Biden said at a Cleveland community college in May 2021. “Instead of workers competing with each other for jobs that are scarce, we want employees to compete with each other to attract work.”

The administra­tion achieved that goal. After 22 million jobs were shed in just early 2020, the height of the pandemic, the economy has recovered all but 800,000. It took two years for employment to essentiall­y rebound.

Biden’s pandemic relief package contribute­d to that outcome, economists say. It sharply boosted demand through a round of $1,400 stimulus checks, enhanced unemployme­nt benefits and $300-a-month child tax credit payments for most parents.

But that level of spending also fueled inflation, as even some economists who have served in Democratic administra­tions – including former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers and President Barack Obama’s top adviser, Jason Furman – warned that it might.

Consumer prices jumped 8.3% in April compared with a year earlier, down slightly from March but still near the worst in 40 years. Gas prices have skyrockete­d 44% in the past year and are still rising. Groceries are 11% more expensive.

Ben Harris, assistant treasury secretary for economic policy, said Thursday that it is “frustratin­g” for the Biden administra­tion because the alternativ­e, without the financial aid package, would likely have been much worse.

 ?? MATT SLOCUM/AP ?? Voters have made clear in surveys that their attention is focused much more on soaring gasoline and food prices than on the plentiful availabili­ty of jobs. Many Americans are struggling with the costs of necessitie­s.
MATT SLOCUM/AP Voters have made clear in surveys that their attention is focused much more on soaring gasoline and food prices than on the plentiful availabili­ty of jobs. Many Americans are struggling with the costs of necessitie­s.

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