The Oklahoman

Report: Gas boom threatens climate

Effort to replace Russian gas could hinder goals

- Seth Borenstein

SHARM EL-SHEIKH, Egypt – The war-inspired natural gas boom is underminin­g already insufficient efforts to limit future warming to just a few more tenths of a degree, a new report says.

Planning and buildup of liquified and other natural gas – due to an energy crisis triggered by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – would add 2 billion tons of carbon dioxide equivalent a year to the air by 2030, according to a report released Thursday by Climate Action Tracker at internatio­nal climate talks in Egypt.

That’s enough greenhouse gas to “hinder if not catastroph­ically hinder chances of achieving 1.5 degrees” Celsius since preindustr­ial times, the internatio­nal warming-limiting goal, said climate scientist Bill Hare, chief executive officer of Climate Analytics, one of the groups behind Climate Action Tracker, which monitors and analyzes climate promises and action.

The world has already warmed 1.1 to 1.2 degrees Celsius (2 degrees Fahrenheit) since preindustr­ial times, leaving little room to keep below the 1.5 limit set in Paris in 2015.

The sheer amount of liquified natural gas projects in the pipeline for constructi­on shocked the analysts, Hare said.

The report calculates that if everything planned goes through, the buildup would produce five times the amount of gas it is supposed to replace from Russia.

“This reaction to the energy crisis is an over reach that must be scaled back,” the report says.

One key way scientists calculate how likely the world is to keep to the 1.5 degree goal is a carbon budget, or how much carbon emissions can still be produced between now and 2050 while staying at or below 1.5 degrees. The tracker report says the planned buildup would eat up about 10% of that 460 billion-ton budget on its own. There are about nine years or so left in that carbon budget, Hare said.

About 70% of the planned new gas production facilities are in North America, Hare said. Europe, which needs the gas but doesn’t have it, is investing in receiving systems. The tracker report said if everything is built up there will either be too much carbon pollution or stranded energy assets that won’t be used.

Natural gas industry leaders say the fuel is the answer to the world’s problem, not a problem itself.

“The global conversati­on has changed. And what has changed about it is the recognized version of how essential energy is to not just economic security, but national security,” Karen Harbert, chief executive officer of the American Gas Associatio­n, told The Associated Press. “Natural gas is not only essential for the survival of Ukraine, it can do a lot to address the world’s carbon emissions. It can do a lot to bring people out of energy poverty. And here in the United States, we’re blessed to have so much natural gas today.”

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