The Oneida Daily Dispatch (Oneida, NY)



Some alumni should be ashamed Dear Canastota Alumni, Unfortunat­ely, I should address more than half of you as rude and disrespect­ful. Recently, the Canastota Alumni gathered for their traditiona­l annual banquet. From the start of the banquet, the microphone was no operating correctly, but the speakers continued to speak and were greatly appreciate­d by the large group.

However, one speaker - my wife, whom has been calling roll call for the past 10 years -- was not appreciate­d. More than half the audience left during her time at the podium. She takes great pride in her job as the treasurer and looks forward to doing her part every year at the banquet. Many people compliment her and enjoy listening to her call role, including myself.

My beef is this: Whowith manners and considerat­ion would get up and walk out while someone was speaking? Did they not consider that my wife deserved the same time and appreciati­on as the other speakers? The people in the alumni committee put a lot of time and commitment throughout the year into managing the activities for each Canastota class. They all deserve a standing ovation for their hard work and commitment. The banquet is a perfect opportunit­y for such recognitio­n. Where are you manners?

Thank you to those who stayed. No thank you to those who walked out and hurt my wife’s feelings. A real class act. Lyle Hicks, Class of 1956 Civility must return to politics

First of all, this nastiness between the liberal media and the president must stop!

Everybody is up in arms over this latest between the president and Mika and Joe from “Morning Joe.” For those who have listened to the ladies (I use that term loosely) of “The View”, they have thrown every nasty, vitriolic diatribe at President Trump since he won the election. Does anyone get bent out of shape because of this? Not that I have heard or seen in the media. Mika and Joe have also said some very appalling, dreadful things about the president. My point in saying all this is if you’re going to play in the big leagues (national TV and radio) and dish it out to people, you had better be prepared to get that dish thrown back. Again I say, let’s stop this nastiness between the media and the president and get back to having civility in politics. We are all Americans and we all want the best for our great country.


M. Kopp, Chittenang­o

About letters to the editor

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Letters containing things such personal attacks, namecallin­g, libel, obscenitie­s or obvious falsehoods won’t be printed.

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