The Oneida Daily Dispatch (Oneida, NY)

February holidays stave off doldrums

- Carol Weimer

February: Can it be? When 2018 came in I told myself this year is not going to rush along like 2017. How can it be February already? I’m not listening to what I promised myself.

But, it isn’t just me. Folks are already complainin­g that time just seems to go rushing by and it isn’t our fault that we move right along with it. It’s the times we’re living in. Too much of everything and we have to take part or we feel we are missing out on all the good things. We want to take in this event, watch this particular new show and keep up with the news. Do we watch it when it’s on? No, because we have some program we want to go to sooo we tape it to watch later when we get home or the next night perhaps.

What’s the answer? You either have to miss out on one thing or the other. You don’t want to deprive yourself, so at least you can keep up with what everyone else is talking about the next day. Or you can’t join in because you decided to skip one of the subjects. It’s up to you how you live your life — this is 2018 and if you are happy with what you decide, that’s enough.

Having said all that, I’m getting off the subject of the month of February. Some would say it’s a dull month with not that much going on and so perhaps we can catch up with time. What do you think? With January over and now nothing much to celebrate, we have to do something about the winter doldrums and really whoop it up before the Lenten season begins. The biggy tomorrow is Groundhog Day. There isn’t too much excitement about that day but in our local school the Area All State Music Festival will take place at Ithaca College both Friday and Saturday and students involved with this are excited as well as their parents. Whether you get interested in the prediction of the groundhog, it’s one day to celebrate.

Our next holiday will be Lincoln’s Birthday on the 12th, but we don’t celebrate that since we have the recent new President’s Day which includes George Washington’s birthday on the 22nd. February is full of holidays if you want to celebrate them so you can enjoy the month.

Not to be forgotten is St. Valentine’s Day on the 14th and that is one holiday that most everyone will celebrate as it has become more and more popular and commercial. It’s an important day for everyone whether big or small — it’s the one day in the year when LOVE abounds. You just have to tell all those you love either in a card, with flowers/ candy or just word of mouth that you love them. It’s one day when happiness is everywhere. Cards are expensive and so are gifts, but get yourself a scrap of paper, a red crayon or marking pen and draw your own valentine. It would probably mean a whole lot more to her or him than if you spent the money for a commercial card.

Our Lenten season begins on the 14th along with Valentine’s Day. If you are religious then for the next 40 days we should all try to do much better in preparing ourselves and our hearts for the Easter season. Many churches are planning programs for the season; check this paper each week for times and places and try to participat­e and even if you aren’t a churchgoer you can still make the season a better time for yourself.

One thing we could always be sure of at our house when we were growing up was a piece of homemade cherry pie in recognitio­n of our first President’s birthday. It reminds you of the old story of our President and his confession to his father about the cherry tree.

Too much of everything and we have to take part or we feel we are missing out on all the good things.

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