The Oneida Daily Dispatch (Oneida, NY)

Sullivan code change a bad idea


I amwriting in opposition to the Town of Sullivan’s proposed changes to the Building/Fire Code: Public Hearing to be held on Wednesday, Feb. 21 at 9 a.m. at Sullivan Town Offices.

They propose: “There shall be NO outdoor storage of personal property of ANY kind unless contained within a fencedin area, which prevents the contents of the area being viewed from outside the fence.”

My comments: Apparently the intractabl­e problems of a few have now led the town board to propose imposing restrictio­ns on everyone across the town.

I see this as simply a bold grab of property owners’ rights; it is a proposal to deem any personal property left outdoors on private property to be a codes offense to be corrected. This is not an issue for the Building and Fire Code.

This opens a very wide door for current and future town officials; personal property left outdoors can include toys, bikes, boats, mowers, tools, wagons, tents, and so much more that someone is bound to view and find objectiona­ble in their neighbor’s yard or land.

They also propose: “Storage Requiremen­ts: ALL residences without a watertight & suitable storage basement or garage storage area MUST CONSTRUCT a storage building having at least 100 square feet of watertight and suitable storage area.”

My Comments: I see no excuse for our town officials to ADD to a resident’s TAXburden by requiring them to build a storage shed and fencing on private property, and then to bury such a restrictiv­e covenant in the Building/Fire Code.

I also do not see any offer by town officials to assist resident taxpayers with these costs by buying and building any required shed and/or fencing on taxpayer properties.

This is not an issue for the Building and Fire Code.

Nearby Radisson may be nice with its property restrictio­ns, but I declined to buy into similar restrictiv­e covenants such as those at Radisson--yet these proposed changes to owners’ rights on private property in Sullivan are highly reminiscen­t of Radisson’s restrictiv­e covenants-which are unacceptab­le and not welcome for our Sullivan property.

Apparently the intractabl­e problems of a few have now led the town board to ignore its own advice to town residents facing neighborho­od issues [i.e, to seek common ground, seek mediation and other less-restrictiv­e settlement­s] and propose the easy way out: property restrictio­ns on everyone.

I am opposed to these proposed changes to the Building & Fire Code.

Public Hearing to be held on Wednesday, Feb. 21 at 9 a.m. at Sullivan Town Offices!

Arthur Lelio, Canastota

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