The Oneida Daily Dispatch (Oneida, NY)

Live a prayer-filled life

- Catherine GalassoVig­orito Columnist

George Mueller was a remarkable man of faith who supported his orphanages exclusivel­y on prayer. Mueller did not directly ask anyone for a contributi­on. He never took out a loan or went into debt to fund his orphanage.

George Mueller was a remarkable man of faith who supported his orphanages exclusivel­y on prayer. Mueller did not directly ask anyone for a contributi­on. He never took out a loan or went into debt to fund his orphanage. Instead, Mueller trusted God, humbled himself, and prayed about his circumstan­ces. He lived a prayer-filled life.

Once, a person commented, “Mr. Mueller, it looks like a hand-to-mouth propositio­n.”

“Yes, it is,” Mueller responded, “But it is God’s hand and my mouth.”

In his lifetime, George Mueller built five large orphan houses and cared for over 10,000 orphans.

Howmany lives will God’s Hand touch through your prayers? Do you or does someone you know have a need? Are you asking for God’s interventi­on in the situation?

For prayers are powerful and effective, and the practice of prayer is life-altering. Prayer unleashes God’s power so that He is able to work on your behalf and on the behalf of others.

But it is easy to get discourage­d and to let cares and burdens occupy our thoughts. We may be overwhelme­d with problems. Everything can appear to be at a standstill. And our mind might be weighed down with decisions to make regarding the future.

Despite what is happening around you, God loves you and has His Hand on you. Persist in praying and speaking words of faith. Release your burdens to God, as one move from His Hand can cause adverse situations to turn out right. A nod from God in your direction could bring you a miracle. And a touch of God’s divine favor can give you wisdom, leading you to victory. So, open yourself up to the presence of God, keep Him in the center of your life, and pray with your eyes on God, rather than on your difficulti­es. Scripture tells us to: “Pray without ceasing.” 1 Thessaloni­ans 5:17.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgivi­ng, present your requests to God.” Philippian­s 4:6-7.

“Draw near to God, and God will draw near to you.” James 4:8.

“Ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” John 15:7.

“Delight yourself in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart…” Psalms 37:4.

Therefore, ask, pray, and believe. Ask God to assist you in being a greater blessing to others. Ask Him to help you overcome your circumstan­ces. Ask God to bring your dreams to pass. Ask Himto protect you, and direct you to the place where you can best serve His purpose. Don’t be discourage­d. If you’re praying for a breakthrou­gh and not seeing it, do not give up. And as you continue to pray with praise and thanksgivi­ng, you’ll soon see God’s blessings released in new, exciting and extraordin­ary ways. There’s a breakthrou­gh ahead.

In the first Book of Samuel of the Old Testament, I read how a woman named Hannah ardently desired to have a child, so she took her petition to God. But, month after month, year after year, God was silent toward her request.

Hannah could have easily given up and as the years passed, succumbed to being bitter and resentful toward God, for “the Lord had closed her womb.” (1 Samuel 1:5). Yet, Hannah persevered and didn’t quit in her quest. Others mocked, ridiculed and taunted Hannah because she was childless. However, this humble woman of prayer boldly and persistent­ly kept on pouring out her heart to God. Hannah promised God that if she had a son, she would give him back for God’s ser

God. Hannah promised God that if she had a son, she would give him back for God’s service. And she didn’t abandon hope, for Hannah had great faith that God had the power to alter her condition and to help her bring forth a child.

Here is the key: Just because Hannah didn’t experience an immediate response, it didn’t mean that God did not begin to answer her prayers. Scripture reminds us that the moment we pray the tide of the battle we are facing begins to change. God listens to our prayers, answers our prayers, and moves in response to our prayers. Thus, let’s pray with boldness and have patience and faith that God will do the right thing, in the right place, at the right time.

Wondrously, God did answer Hannah’s persistent prayers with a son whom she named, Samuel. “For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition that I made to Him.” (1 Samuel 1:27). Hannah was quick to thank and praise God. Moreover, she was abundantly fruitful in her life, as God blessed Hannah with three more sons and two daughters. (1 Samuel 1:17).

A while ago, my daughter asked me to help her with her English homework. Being an author and a writer, my daughter knew I was best equipped to answer her questions. When you need help, you always go to the person who you’re sure is capable of helping, right? Now, if God could create the heavens and the earth, He can surely respond to your bold requests.

It has been said that, “Seven days without prayer, makes one weak.” Daily, let us go before God boldly in prayer, and experience the moving of His Hand to meet our needs and our loved ones needs. We cannot reach our highest potential in our own strength, so talk and listen to your all-loving, allknowing, heavenly Father. For prayer moves the Hand of God.

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