The Oneida Daily Dispatch (Oneida, NY)

Texas AG’s lawsuit a shameful display of hypocrisy

- Jonah Goldberg Jonah Goldberg holds the Asness Chair in Applied Liberty at the American Enterprise Institute and is a columnist for the Los Angeles Times.

I’m angry.

I have been defending the Electoral College and the larger-madisonian vision behind it— often called “federalism” — for decades. As a pointed critic of the president, this put me in the awkward position of defending the legitimacy of his presidency— Donald Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 but won in the Electoralc­ollege— while simultaneo­usly arguing he was unfit for the job to which he was legitimate­ly elected.

Before I get to why I’m angry, let me explain something. Under the Constituti­on, the citizenry doesn’t elect the president; the states do. They do this by appointing electors who vote in the electoral College. Hows tates allocate their electoral votes is left up to their legislatur­es.

Since thecivilwa­r, nearly all states have decided to allot their electors to whichever candidate wins amajority of the vote within that state ( except for maine and Nebraska, which award two electoral votes to the popular votewinner and one electoral vote to the popular votewinner in each congressio­nal district). But the legislatur­es don’t have to do it this way.

Indeed, prior to the Civilwar, Southcarol­ina didn’t have a statewide vote for president. The legislatur­e decided which candidate the state’s electors should vote for.

I have no philosophi­cal problem with that approach. If the people of a state don’t want all the drama of a presidenti­al election, they’re free to ask their elected representa­tives to decide which candidate should win the state.

But that’s not howwe do it, and that’s fine too.

I’ll spare you all the arguments for why I think the Electoralc­ollege is a good thing, inpart because you don’t have to agree with me to agree with the point I do want tomake. Suffice it to say that one of the core arguments from defenders of the Electoral College is that it’s a bulwark against despotism. By forcing presidents to cobble together amajority of states ( rather than amajority of voters), the “tyranny of the majority” ( or minority) is held at bay.

Again, disagree if you like, but that’s a big part of the argument.

Which brings me to why I’m so angry. The attorney general of Texas, Ken Paxton, sued Pennsylvan­ia, Wisconsin, Michigan and Georgia for “unlawful” changes to their election laws in advance of the 2020 presidenti­al election. Paxton didn’t choose these four states at random, though if you didn’t know they’re the four battlegrou­nd states that delivered Joe Biden his Electoral College victory, youmight think he had.

Plenty of states changed their procedures to make voting in a pandemic safer and easier.

Paxton wanted the Supreme Court to invalidate election results in these four states and have the state legislatur­es decide who gets their electoral votes, on the assumption they’d hand the presidency to Trump. President Trump joined the suit because, duh, he wants to stay president by any means.

Even in this particular­ly dumb chapter in American history, to say this lawsuit stands out as a shining example of willful stupidity would be an understate­ment. I won’t focus on all the legal reasons it deservedly failed because it would be like trying to list all the reasons 2 plus 2 does not equal a horse. Norwill I dwell on the innumerate statistica­l hogwash it cited as evidence, even though it’s about as impressive as that equine equation.

But philosophi­cally this lawsuit was a betrayal of everything defenders of federalism and the Electoral College claim to believe. The state of Texas has no standing to complain how those other states conduct elections or appoint their electors. If it had been taken seriously, itwould have opened a Pandora’s box of asininity in which various states would use the federal government to dictate how other states operate.

More infuriatin­g, the driving impetus of this lawsuit— outrageous­ly joined by 17 other Republican run- states and supported by 126 House Republican­s who signed an amicus brief that was filed Thursday— was to steal a presidenti­al election. That’s why you don’t have to agree with me about the Electoral College; the Republican­s supporting this lawsuit have long claimed to agree with me about the Electoral College and its role in the constituti­onal order.

Yet they are throwing that away to aid and abet a president in precisely the sort of constituti­onal crime the Electoral College was designed to prevent.

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