The Oneida Daily Dispatch (Oneida, NY)

Zombie cells central to the quest for active, vital old age

- By Laura Ungar

In an unfinished part of his basement, 95-year-old Richard Soller zips around a makeshift track encircling boxes full of medals he’s won for track and field and longdistan­ce running.

Without a hint of breathless­ness, he says: “I can put in miles down here.”

Steps away is an expensive leather recliner he bought when he retired from Procter & Gamble with visions of relaxing into old age. He proudly proclaims he’s never used it; he’s been too busy training for competitio­ns, such as the National Senior Games.

Soller, who lives near Cincinnati, has achieved an enviable goal chased by humans since ancient times: Staying healthy and active in late life. It’s a goal that eludes so many that growing old is often associated with getting frail and sick. But scientists are trying to change that — and tackle one of humanity’s biggest challenges — through a little known but flourishin­g field of aging research called cellular senescence.

It’s built upon the idea that cells eventually stop dividing and enter a “senescent” state in response to various forms of damage. The body removes most of them. But others linger like zombies. They aren’t dead. But as the Mayo Clinic’s Nathan Lebrasseur puts it, they can harm nearby cells like moldy fruit corrupting a fruit bowl. They accumulate in older bodies, which mounting evidence links to an array of age-related conditions such as dementia, cardiovasc­ular disease and osteoporos­is.

But scientists wonder: Can the zombie cell buildup be stopped?

“The ability to understand aging – and the potential to intervene in the fundamenta­l biology of aging – is truly the greatest opportunit­y we have had, maybe in history, to transform human health,” Lebrasseur says. Extending the span of healthy years impacts “quality of life, public health, socioecono­mics, the whole shebang.”

With the number of people 65 or older expected to double globally by 2050, cellular senescence is “a very hot topic,” says Viviana Perez Montes of the National Institutes of Health. According to an Associated Press analysis of an NIH research database, there have been around 11,500 total projects involving cellular senescence since 1985, far more in recent years.

About 100 companies, plus academic teams, are exploring drugs to target senescent cells. And research offers tantalizin­g clues that people may be able to help tame senescence themselves using the strategy favored by Soller: exercise.

Although no one thinks senescence holds the key to super long life, Tufts University researcher Christophe­r Wiley hopes for a day when fewer people suffer fates like his late grandfathe­r, who had Alzheimer’s and stared back at him as if he were a stranger.

“I’m not looking for the

fountain of youth,” Wiley says. “I’m looking for the fountain of not being sick when I’m older.”


Leonard Hayflick, the scientist who discovered cellular senescence in 1960, is himself vital at 94. He’s a professor of anatomy at the University of California, San Francisco, and continues to write, present and speak on the topic.

At his seaside home in Sonoma County, he leafs through a binder filled with his research, including two early papers that have been cited an astonishin­g number of times by other researcher­s. Before him on the living room table are numerous copies of his seminal book, “How and Why We Age,” in various languages.

This scientific renown didn’t come easily. He discovered cellular senescence by accident, cultivatin­g human fetal cells for a project on cancer biology and noticing they stopped dividing after about 50 population doublings. This wasn’t a big surprise; cell cultures often failed because of things like contaminat­ion. What was surprising was that others also stopped dividing at the same point. The phenomenon was later called “the Hayflick limit.”

The finding, Hayflick says, challenged “60-year-old dogma” that normal human cells could replicate forever. A paper he authored with colleague Paul Moorhead was rejected by a prominent scientific journal, and Hayflick faced a decade of ridicule after it was published in Experiment­al Cell Research in 1961.

“It followed the usual pattern of major discoverie­s in science, where the discoverer is first ridiculed and then somebody says, ‘Well, maybe it works’ … then it becomes accepted to some extent, then becomes more widely accepted.”

At this point, he says, “the field that I discovered has skyrockete­d to an extent that’s beyond my ability to keep up with it.”


Scientists are careful to note that cell senescence can be useful. It likely evolved at least in part to suppress the developmen­t of cancer by limiting the capacity of cells to keep dividing. It happens throughout our lives, triggered by things like DNA damage and the shortening of telomeres, structures that cap and protect the ends of chromosome­s. Senescent cells play a role in wound healing, embryonic developmen­t and childbirth.

Problems can arise when they build up.

“When you’re young, your immune system is able to recognize these senescent cells and eliminate them,” says Perez, who studies cell biology and aging. “But when we start getting old … the activity of our immune system also gets diminished, so we’re losing the capacity to eliminate them.”

Senescent cells resist apoptosis, or programmed cell death, and characteri­stically get big and flat, with enlarged nuclei. They release a blend of molecules, some of which can trigger inflammati­on and harm other cells — and paradoxica­lly can also stimulate the growth of malignant cells and fuel cancer, Lebrasseur says.

Scientists link some disorders to buildups of senescent cells in certain spots. For example, research suggests certain senescent cells that accumulate in lungs exposed to cigarette smoke may contribute substantia­lly to airway inflammati­on in COPD.

The idea that one process could be at the root of numerous diseases is powerful to many scientists.

It inspired Dr. James Kirkland to move on from geriatric medicine. “I got tired of prescribin­g better wheelchair­s and incontinen­ce devices,” says Kirkland, a professor of medicine at Mayo considered a pioneer of the senescence renaissanc­e. “I wanted to do something more fundamenta­l that could alleviate the suffering that I saw.”

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