The Outpost

May Safety Awareness training

- By Jeni Williams

May’s Safety Awareness Training is focused on desert creatures. Yuma Proving Ground (YPG) is located in one of the hottest and most capacious deserts in the United States. The Sonoran Desert covers approximat­ely 120,000 square miles spreading across Mexico, Arizona and California. The desert is full of a variety of wildlife. Among the variety of creatures to call the desert their home are wild horses/ donkeys, deer, coyotes, rattlesnak­es, scorpions, tarantulas, and bees to name a few.

It is always exciting to see desert critters in the wild but it is important to remember the desert is their home and we need to respect that.

Any of the desert animals can be dangerous if approached. Please refrain from approachin­g wildlife to feed them or take photos.

Also, be cautious when bees are in the area. Do not swat at bees or otherwise aggravate them. The more agitated they get, the more likely they will be to swarm/attack and sting you.

For more informatio­n on Desert Creatures access the following link on the YPG Intranet: https://intranet. SitePages/SAW%20Training%20 Site.aspx

After viewing the training material use the drop down menu located below the training link under “Acknowledg­ements, “choose the training you have completed (i.e. 03 March Driver Training) and then click on the small square box just below the training title (your name and date will auto populate) then click “submit.” The square box must be clicked in order for the training/ signature to be validated. The Safety Office will then send you a completed certificat­e that you will upload to ATTM on Sharepoint. Only Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC) employees use ATTM to track mandatory training. Other

YPG tenants should follow their local guidelines.

Once you are in ATTM, scroll down to YPG – CY21 SAW Training (May Module) and upload the certificat­e you received from the Safety Office.

As always, the training informatio­n that is provided each month is guaranteed to be useful, relevant as well as entertaini­ng! So whether you are ATEC, Mission, Garrison, Military Free Fall School, Medical Clinic, contractor or any other YPG tenant, this training is for you.

If you have any questions please contact Jeni Williams at 928-3282323/928-581-6920 or via email at

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