The Palm Beach Post

Trump says father gave him ‘small’ $1 million loan

His common touch includes eating at McDonald’s, driving.

- By Jill Colvin Associated Press

ATKINSON, N.H. — How about some humility, Donald Trump?

At a rare town hall event Monday for a man who goes for big rallies, some potential voters wanted to see a common touch from the tower-building billionair­e in his quest for the 2016 Republican presidenti­al nomination.

He said in reply that he ate at McDonald’s on Sunday, often drives himself and got started in business with a “small loan” of $1 million from his dad.

The event, a televised town hall broadcast live on the “Today” show, brought together about 125 registered voters in a country club ballroom. The intimate environmen­t was a rarity for the GOP front-runner, who has generally eschewed small events in favor of rallies drawing thousands of rowdy and loyal backers.

While a handful of questions addressed Trump’s policy positions, many focused on his persona as a brash TV entertaine­r and whether he possessed the ability to come back down to earth.

“I know a lot of people would really want to vote for you if only you would eat a piece of humble pie once in a while,” said one woman, an undecided registered Republican, who asked Trump whether he had any weaknesses he might share.

“Well I’d like to do that,” Trump responded, “but then I’d expose the weaknesses to Putin and everybody else and we don’t want to do that, right?” He was referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Another questioner, identififi­ed as an undecided Republican, asked Trump whether, with the exception of his family, he’d ever been told “no.”

“I mean, my whole life really has been a ‘no,’ ” Trump said. “And I fought through it.” Trump is the son of a successful real estate developer who gave him seed money to begin investing in Manhattan real estate.

“It has not been easy for me,” Trump added. “And I started offff in Brooklyn, my father gave me a small loan of $1 million. I came into Manhattan and I had to pay him back, and I had to pay him back with interest.”

Host Matt Lauer quickly noted that most voters would not consider $1 million a small amount.

Unlike 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney, Trump has fully embraced his wealth in the campaign trail, often bragging about his riches, to little ill efffffffff­fffect. Still, Trump did show some signs of relatabili­ty in talking about his recent fast-food stop and his tendency to get behind the wheel.

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