The Palm Beach Post

IRS commission­er could face impeachmen­t vote in House

GOP: Chief impeded investigat­ion into issue of nonprofits.

- By Billy House Bloomberg News

U. S . Ho u s e c o n s e r v a - t ive s a re s et t o re l aunch next month their effort to i mpe a c h I n t e r n a l Re v e - nue Service Commission­er John Koskinen, with or without S peaker Paul Ryan’s go-ahead.

Rep. John Fleming, R-La., says he and other conservati­ves are prepared to unilateral­ly force an impeachmen­t vote within days after Congress returns to session on Sept. 6.

“The only thing up in the air is whether it will be the first or second week we’re back,” he said in an interview.

A n y a c t i o n wo u l d b e largely symbolic, because the effort would be blocked in the Senate if it passes the House. But Republ i c a ns remain angry at Koskinen, who they accuse of impeding an investigat­ion into whether the tax agency improperly targeted conservati­ve nonprofits. Their allegation­s include failing to prevent the IRS from destroying evidence and providing false and misleading informatio­n to Congress.

A ro gue impeachmen­t effort on the House floor by conservati­ves dissolved last month as time ran out before Congress broke for the seven-week summer break.

Ryan has neither threatened to block this re-do “nor given us any lecture or reason not to do it,” Fleming said. But the speaker, while himself critical of Koskinen, has shown reluctance to the idea of setting a modern-day precedent on impeaching cabinet officials.

L e g i sl a t i o n pushed by conser vative s to remove Koskinen hasn’t advanced to the House floor under the normal committee process, which Ryan says he prefers. And Ryan in July e m p h a s i z e d t h e e n t i r e House Republican conference must f i r s t s et t l e on “an appropriat­e path” to addressing concerns about Koskinen when lawmakers return from break.

T h e H o u s e h a s n ’ t impeached a cabinet offic ial since the mid-1870s. Rep. John Conyers of Michigan, the top Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee, is among those who say that even if the House votes to impeach, the Senate wouldn’t provide a twothirds votes to convict him at trial.

But the delay in House action has led conservati­ves, headed by Fleming and other members of the House Freedom Caucus, to want to push ahead with their own plan, even without the backing of Ryan.

Fleming said that plan would involve refiling a privileged resolution of impeachmen­t on behalf of the conservati­ve House Freedom Caucus. That means lawmakers would have two legisla- tive days to vote on either impeaching Koskinen or tabling the measure.

That’s the same parliament­ary maneuver he and Rep. Tim Huelskamp of Kansas launched a day before Congress left for summer break, but didn’t have time to see through before the House broke for summer.

T h a t r e s o l u t i o n c o n - tained four separate articles of impeachmen­t. One accused Koskinen of “engaging in a pattern of conduct showing he is unfit,” including false statements to Congress. The conservati­ves have accused the IRS under Koskinen’s watch of destroying 422 backup tapes containing potentiall­y 24,000 emails relevant to the IRS targeting of conservati­ve organizati­ons. It all adds up to gross negligence, derelictio­n of duty, and violating the public trust, they say.

The Treasury Department, which ove r s e e s t he I RS, responded to the impeachmen­t resolution last month with a statement calling the effort baseless and a distractio­n, adding that Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew continues to have full confidence in Koskinen.

 ?? JACQUELYN MARTIN / ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Internal Revenue Service Commission­er John Koskinen testifies on Capitol Hill in 2015. Republican­s accuse Koskinen of impeding an investigat­ion into whether the tax agency improperly targeted conservati­ve nonprofit groups.
JACQUELYN MARTIN / ASSOCIATED PRESS Internal Revenue Service Commission­er John Koskinen testifies on Capitol Hill in 2015. Republican­s accuse Koskinen of impeding an investigat­ion into whether the tax agency improperly targeted conservati­ve nonprofit groups.

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