The Palm Beach Post

Turns out GOP chairman is the celebrity’s apprentice

- She writes for the Washington Post.

Kathleen Parker

The system is rigged and the polls are phony.

As E-Day draws nigh, Donald Trump and his spokesvolk­en have contrived every possible excuse for the Republican candidate’s likely defeat. Unless, of course, lying has caught on “big league” and voters have followed their leaders’ cue and given pollsters incorrect answers.

Multiple poll results released in the final days, most of which indicate a consistent trend of Hillary Clinton winning, are suddenly suspect, in Trump’s mind. Obviously, everyone has a favorite polling group, usually correspond­ing to one’s preference at the top. But enough reputable polls show similar results to lend heft to mere probabilit­y.

Even so, it ain’t over till it is, one is wise to say.

Trump may be spinning polls for other reasons, too. Knowing how malleable people can be, he may hope to shift perception­s lest potential supporters be swayed by polls tilting Clinton-ward. If Trump hates losers, his comrades in arms (and that’s no joke) probably do, too.

Perhaps the strongest indicator that Trump will lose is his own premature distributi­on of blame. As far as he is concerned, defeat couldn’t be his fault.

The obvious truth is that Trump never should have been the nominee, as even Trump probably would admit. When he descended the escalator to announce his candidacy, he was at just 1 percent.

He was ignored — or at least not taken seriously — by nearly everyone, and for good reason. When he started spouting hot rhetoric, few worried much since he’d surely be moving along any day. This was not to be, in part because, as Trump commented laughing to a friend, who told me: “I had no idea it would be so easy.”

Translatio­n: Once he realized he was dealing with a bunch of suckers, he continued to play them. What fun — and, voila.

The suckers of whom he was speaking are the party leadership, specifical­ly: Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus and Communicat­ions Director Sean Spicer. If these names don’t ring a bell, congratula­tions, you don’t watch TV. Because Priebus, when not jetting around with Trump on his gold-plated private plane, and Spicer are on one talk show or another nearly every time you look at a cable news screen. They’ve worn more makeup the past year than most women do in a lifetime.

“They’re having the time of their lives,” as one tenured-Washington Republican put it.

They’re the elephants in the Green Room, in other words. Everyone sees them clearly but manages to avoid speaking openly of the obvious — that Priebus has presided over the ruin of the Republican Party. Why isn’t he being held accountabl­e?

Why was everyone willing to stand by and watch this reality TV character take charge?

“Because (Priebus) is their boy,” a disgruntle­d top Republican told me. “He’s given them what they wanted. He’s kept the money flowing.”

Where the money flows, the love goes. In politics, it seems, principle really means principal.

By letting Trump rise to the top, as oil slicks tend to, Priebus has left the party in such a gelatinous mess, Republican­s will need a hazmat team to clean it up. And for this, he’d like to serve a third term?

Once you’ve seen the lights, smelled the greasepain­t and been the celebrity’s apprentice, it must be hard to go back to Jersey.

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