The Palm Beach Post

Millennial­s should spur movement for third party in U.S.


Bonnie Kristian’s Point of View column, “Millennial­s who reject Trump, Clinton aren’t stupid” (Oct. 9), suggested that America needs a third major party. She also points out that millennial­s are the driving force for this need. And, she is indeed correct. I have been a lifelong Democrat since I first voted after turning 21. Anyone who follows politics knows that each party represents a set of values and one of them will line up with yours. And this is how you should cast your vote.

However, a strong, viable, independen­t third-party system might have prevented what we saw happen in Congress over the past eight years. This year’s election started out as a referendum against the bipartisan political gridlock that occurred during the Obama administra­tion’s time in office. A strong third party’s presence in Congress might have diluted these efforts.

It seems like every major election year we hear about the need for a third party or changes to the Electoral College or the superdeleg­ates. Then comes the day after the election and we hear nothing again for the next four years. Whether they like it or not, the millennial­s will be the next driving force in this country. We baby boomers are pretty much set in our political ways and we are pretty much done fighting the fight. The millennial­s will need to pick up the mantle and truly work to create this independen­t third party that will produce candidates for president and senator and governor so that cooperatio­n and true bipartisan­ship can occur. Bernie Sanders, although he was running as a Democrat, was the start of this movement and the millennial­s were behind him all the way, until he fell short and then they quit.

They are truly not working to make the system work. They are too busy telling us why it does not work, and why they will not vote so they can righteousl­y say on Nov. 9, “I did not vote for him/her; therefore, I am absolved of all that may go wrong.” But, guess what, anyone with a “moral compass” would not sit back and whine about the candidates. They are so blinded by their righteousn­ess that they are actually calling both candidates “appalling” and fear what either might do.

The millennial­s need to follow Sanders’ lead now, and then work with him to make the changes we need so that our government can again be for the people and by the people.

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