The Palm Beach Post

Can box size limit Christmas spirit?


I’ll bet there are others who feel as you do, and to that I’d say, “It really is the thoughtful­ness that counts.” — Heloise

Dear readers: Here are some other uses for clean cereal bags:

■ As a cookie sheet for cooling cookies.

■ Place spices and meats inside to coat before grilling.

■ Place crackers inside before crushing.

■ Use between rows of baked items for transport.

■ To block the drain when peeling vegetables, eggs, fruits, etc.

— Heloise

Dear Heloise: I saw your column about flavored teas. I use loose tea and add dried orange or lemon peel. Then I add dried rose petals.

During the holidays, I add cloves and cinnamon. What keeps my teas from becoming bitter is my blend of a variety of teas with orange, calendula petals, ginger and dried mangos. I enjoy your column in The Columbian. — Annie, via email

Flavorful coffees and teas seem to be much more popular than before. — Heloise

Dear Heloise: We have game night often. Therefore, we have a variety of board games, which come with game pieces. In an effort not to lose them, I bought a tin that came with its own lid.

I placed all the pieces for each game inside its own “snack” bag, labeled it and placed it inside the tin. We bring it out every time it’s game night. We’ve not lost a piece yet! — Sandy W. in Houston

Dear Heloise: You listed some good makeshift soap dishes, but not the one I made the permanent one in my guest bathroom. I use a clear glass butter dish, which easily holds a bar of soap. I also have a pump dispenser to please everyone’s taste. — Terri D., Brea, Calif.

With glass, consider placing a strip of nonadhesiv­e shelf liner under it to keep it from slipping. — Heloise

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