The Palm Beach Post

Clinton to speak at State Dept. museum

Former presidenti­al candidate will help open new exhibition.

- By Anne Gearan Washington Post

Hillary Clinton returns to Washington, and to the scene of her last government job, for the ceremonial opening Tuesday of a new exhibition and museum area at the State Department that will be partly named for her.

Clinton is slated to speak at the ceremony and reception alongside fellow former secretarie­s of state Madeleine Albright and Colin Powell, according to an invitation to the event. It would be only her second public appearance in Washington since losing the Nov. 8 election.

One of the four exhibition halls in the U.S. Diplomacy Center will be called the Hillary Rodham Clinton Pavilion, with others named for former secretarie­s James Baker and Henry Kissinger and for current Secretary of State John Kerry.

The glass-fronted addition to the hulking State Department building will house a museum of diplomatic history and artifacts. It is also meant to give a welcoming front door to a forbidding structure otherwise walled offff by security gates and concrete barriers.

Vi sitors will encounter Clinton’s name first — the Hillary Clinton Pavilion is the glass entrance hall to the complex, complete with a glass ceiling.

A State Department website devoted to the project says this section will “engage vi sitors in exploring U. S. relationsh­ips with nations around the world.”

The Carnegie Foundation of New York has announced a $750,000 grant to support programmin­g at the center, which will operate as a public-private venture. A private foundation pays for programs, educationa­l work and updates to exhibition­s.

Only the Clinton hall and the Kissinger one below it — star attraction is a 14-foot section of the Berlin Wall — are complete and ready to open. The project, which raised an estimated $50 million, now needs roughly $20 million more to complete and outfit the other halls. That task would fall to the Trump administra­tion.

The museum was conc e ive d by Al br i g ht , who held a symbolic groundb re a k i n g f o r i t i n 2 000, near the close of Bill Clinton’s presidency. The project languished during the George W. Bush years and was revived by Hillary Clinton, who deputized longtime donor and friend Elizabeth Frawley Bagley to raise outside money.

T h e b u l k o f t h e f u n d s raised so far came in during Clinton’s four-year tenure as President Barack Obama’s fifirst secretary of state, from 2009 to 2013. Clinton was not running for president at the time but was widely presumed to be contemplat­ing a second White House run in 2016.

State Department emails from Clinton’s term, released under court directive as part of the fallout over her private email system, chronicle some of the millions of dollars in corporate, foundation and other donations she helped draw for the project.

 ??  ?? One of the exhibition halls will be named for Hillary Clinton.
One of the exhibition halls will be named for Hillary Clinton.

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