The Palm Beach Post

Making perfect pasta requires plenty of water

- Household Hints


Dear Heloise: Why do all the pasta recipes begin with the directions “Bring a large pot of 4 to 6 quarts of water to a rapid boil”? Do we really need to use that much water, and if so, why? — Samantha T. in New York

Yes, especially if making a pound or more of pasta. One reason is that it helps keep the pasta from sticking together while cooking. It provides lots of room for the pasta to move around while washing away the starch from the pasta.

The other reason is, if cooking larger, longer pastas like spaghetti and fettuccine, a lot of water is needed. Or I break them in half before putting them in the pot. I know! Sacrilege! Also, it’s easier to eat, I think.

Small amounts of pasta can be made in a smaller pot with less water, but why not go the safe route for the perfect pasta? — Heloise

Dear Heloise: I save oil from jars of minced garlic, roasted red peppers, marinated artichoke hearts and other similar items in the refrigerat­or. When I need a quick appetizer, I drizzle the flflavored oils over cream cheese to create a cracker topping that is unique and delicious! There are so many options, and I am never disappoint­ed with the taste. — Gayle F., Knoxville, Tenn.

Dear Heloise: I love to bake cakes, but fifind that many times, after slicing a piece offff the cake, it quickly gets hard and stale where the cut was made. Do you have a hint to prevent this from happening in the future? — Kim B., via email

Sure do! When you have cut the last slice, take a piece of wax or parchment paper and place it over the sliced areas. Each time you remove a slice, continue resealing the cut area with the paper. This will help keep the cake stay fresher longer. — Heloise

Dear Heloise: If you enjoy eating tacos, you also know that with the fifirst bite, the taco shell can break, and all the fifillings can come out. But I have a hint to keep those fifillings in place. When making the taco, start by placing a piece of lettuce inside the taco shell. Next, add all the other taco fifillings on top of the lettuce. If the shell breaks, chances are the lettuce will stay intact and keep the fifillings from falling out. — Jerry W. in California

Jerry, brilliant! Living in San Antonio, crispy tacos are a mainstay, and sometimes a mess. Big taco hug! — Heloise

Dear Heloise: I don’t have a fancy, vertical roasting pan for cooking whole chickens. Instead, I use my flfluted cake pan. I spray it with oil and sit the chicken upright using the centerpiec­e inside the chicken to hold it up. Most of the juices collect in the pan ring. But I place the pan on a rimmed baking sheet, just in case. — Kathleen P., Louisville, Ky.

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