The Palm Beach Post

Egypt’s intelligen­ce hires PR firm in U.S. to lobby in Washington

- By Brian Rohan Associated Press

CAIRO — Egyptian intelligen­ce has hired a U.S. public relations firm to lobby on the country’s behalf in Washington and boost its image, the first such engagement by part of the country’s powerful security apparatus to be made public.

A filing dated Jan. 28 and seen by The Associated Press on the Department of Justice website Sunday showed that Egypt hired public relations firm Weber Shandwick and released details of the registrati­on to comply with the U.S. Foreign Agents Registrati­on Act of 1938.

The contract shows that Weber Shandwick will assist Egypt in promoting its “strategic partnershi­p with the United States,” highlighti­ng its economic developmen­t, showcasing its civil s o c i e t y a n d p u b l i c i z i n g Egypt’s “leading role in managing regional risks” in an agreement worth $1.2 million annually.

All points are issues President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi’s government is keen to portray in a positive light in its interactio­ns with foreign powers, especially a key ally such as the United States that sends some $1.3 billion in annual military aid.

In other areas, Cairo has a more flexible approach to its image, for example overstatin­g the number of refugees in the country tenfold in efforts to convince Europeans to send it more developmen­t aid to prevent illegal immigratio­n. It also switches bet ween downplayin­g an extremist insurgency in the northern Sinai Peninsula, or amplifying the danger, depending on which position is most useful at a given moment with domestic or foreign audiences.

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