The Palm Beach Post



Age-related spinal stenosis of the lumbar caused by soft tissue/disc degenerati­on — has reached epidemic proportion­s.

T h e p a i n t h e s e f o l k s f e e l i n t h e i r l e g s , buttocks, t h i g h s a n d sciatica n e r v e s i s unrelentin­g.

Indeed, a s t h e population a s a w h o l e a g e s , i t s lumbar health continues to deteriorat­e — often to the point of immobiliza­tion.

And for far too many seniors who see their doctors hoping to get relief, instead they’re sent straight to an orthopedic surgeon or neurosurge­on.

And often that leads to poor disappoint­ing results.

But what if there were a safer, better way to treat spinal stenosis — one that DOESN’T necessitat­e invasive, and often harmful, surgery.

And what if this treatment was not only safe and painless — but EFFECTIVE?

Wel l , t h e r e i s — a n d i t ’s available at only one facility in South Florida: Laser Medica.

H e r e i s w h a t L A S E R MEDICA’S NON- I N VA S I V E S U P E R - P U L S E D L A S E R THERAPY can do for SPINAL STENOSIS:

■ D e c r e a s e p a i n a n d inflflamma­tion of nerve endings

■ A c c e l e r a t e n e r v e regenerati­on

■ Dec re a s e s wol l e n a nd enlarged soft tissues, ie: discs and ligaments

■ Increase propriocep­tion (balance awareness)

■ Decreases numbness and tingling

■ Does all of this painlessly, non-invasively and with no side efffffffff­fffects

So, what is Superpulse­d Laser Therapy?

Laser Therapy is a medical procedure that uses highly focused laser light energy to treat pain and inflflamma­tion. It works at the cellular level by s t i mul a t i n g t h e b o dy ’s natural healing processes. This highly advanced technology is successful in treating both acute and chronic conditions, which have failed to be remedied b y t r a d i t i o n a l t r e a t m e n t approaches. This includes, but is not limited to: arthritis; back pain; disc herniation­s; headaches; knee and hip pain; neck pain; peripheral nerve disorders; neuropathy; sciatica; shingles; spinal stenosis; tmj dysfunctio­ns.

Since its FDA cle arance, more than a million patients have received the non-invasive treatment — and there has never been a reported side efffffffff­fffect. Many patients report feeling pain relief within a few minutes of the treatment.

With some three decades o f exp e r i e n c e , Dr. Jo s e p h A. Costello — who founded L a s e r Medi c a — i s o n e o f S o u t h F l o r i d a ’ s l e a d i n g experts in laser therapy. He is a board-certififie­d chiropract­ic orthopedis­t trained by the experts from the Texas Back Institute — but what makes him truly unique is his ability to combine orthopedic­s with the unmatched healing power of super-pulse laser treatment. Dr. Costello’s Laser Medica offers exclusive proprietar­y treatment protocols that are not available anywhere else in the world.

The lasers used at L aser Medica are classified as an “actinother­apy,” which means they can cause a chemical and metabolic change in human tissue. Simply put, that means the lasers accelerate the healing potential of each and every cell with which they come into contact.

As Dr. Costello explains, “Our treatment protocols actually heal human tissue. They can achieve results when other treatments fail.”

The treatments have proven so popular and efffffffff­fffective that many of Dr. Costello’s patients travel from literally all over the world to receive them. Dr. Costello has treated patients from continents near and far.

Tre a t ment s e s s i o ns a t Laser Medica, which are available Monday through Saturday, last either 30 or 60 minutes.

Each and ever y one i s p e r f o r m e d p e r s o n a l l y b y D r. C o s t e l l o — n o t a technician. That each patient’s laser protocol is personally administer­ed by Dr. Costello is one of the things that separates his practice from other facilities that are attempting to replicate what Laser Medica provides.

For those who have yet to discover L aser Medica, Dr. Costello says, “For any kind of acute or chronic pain, the surgical option will always be there. So why not come fifirst to Laser Medica and let us try to save you from chronic pain, drugs and failed surgeries.”

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 ??  ?? Joseph A. Costello, DC, DABCO Laser Medica founder
Joseph A. Costello, DC, DABCO Laser Medica founder

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