The Palm Beach Post

Blamer-in-chief set to toss adviser Bannon to the curb

- He writes for the Washington Post.

E.J. Dionne Jr.

President Donald Trump rose to power on a combinatio­n of meanness, incoherenc­e and falsehoods. His strategy depended almost entirely on playing off the unpopulari­ty and weaknesses of others.

Every aspect of his approach has blown up on him since he took office, but as is always the case with Trump, he will not take any personal responsibi­lity for what’s going wrong. He must find a scapegoat. The latest object of his opprobrium would seem to be Steve Bannon, the chief White House strategist.

But dumping Bannon would only underscore the extent to which Trump is a political weathervan­e, gyrating wildly with the political winds. He’s “populist” one day, convention­ally conservati­ve the next, and centrist the day after that. His implicit response is: Who cares? Let’s just get through another week.

At the moment, he is basking in praise from large parts of the foreign policy establishm­ent for his decision to fire missiles into Syria. This is the hour of maximum danger for Bannon. Trump may now figure he should ride for a while with his newfound friends in the elite. The presence of the disheveled ultra-nationalis­t Bannon just won’t do at the tony country club party Trump wants to throw for himself.

And so Trump, in an interview with The New York Post, did to Bannon what he has done to everyone else: He offered a misleading account of their relationsh­ip.

“I like Steve, but you have to remember he was not involved in my campaign until very late,” Trump said. “I had already beaten all the senators and all the governors, and I didn’t know Steve. I’m my own strategist and it wasn’t like I was going to change strategies because I was facing crooked Hillary.”

Hmm. Contrary to Trump’s claim, he has known Bannon since 2011. Just a few months ago, Bannon was cast as the political genius who saw the electoral potential in the Midwestern swing states. But with Trump, every good idea is his idea and every failure belongs to someone else.

The weathervan­e will twirl again soon because Trump faces renewed trouble, on an old front and a new one.

Trump has gone to great lengths to distract from inquiries into his campaign’s possible ties to Russia’s effort to subvert the 2016 election.

But Tuesday brought a reminder that the story won’t go away until it’s resolved. The Washington Post reported that the FBI obtained an order from the Foreign Intelligen­ce Surveillan­ce Court to monitor the communicat­ions of the man Trump once listed as a foreign policy adviser, Carter Page. The news was an indication of the seriousnes­s of the investigat­ion of links between Trump’s campaign and Russia. While Trump hopes that his administra­tion’s complete about-face on Vladimir Putin — from fawning praise to hostility — will settle the matter, it won’t.

The energy in politics is now clearly on the antiTrump side. Republican­s will surely notice the sharp falloff in loyalist turnout in Republican bastions.

Trump still longs to run against “crooked Hillary.” He loves to bash Barack Obama. But Trump is on his own, with only his own record to answer for. He can let go of Bannon and anyone else he wants to blame for the chaos of his presidency. But governing is hard, especially when your principles are as flexible as your relationsh­ip with the truth.

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