The Palm Beach Post

With a little planning, we can cure Trump’s golf addiction


Frank Cerabino

We need to make an interventi­on on behalf of President Donald Trump.

This would be the time, now that he’s here for another weekend.

Another weekend of temptation.

That’s right. He’ll be back within playing distance of three of his South Florida golf clubs, including Trump Internatio­nal Golf Club in suburban West Palm Beach, his go-to golf fix, just a 6-mile jaunt across the Intracoast­al Waterway from Mar-a-Lago.

He spent two days at that golf club last weekend.

It’s pretty clear by now that the president has an addiction, one that is getting easier and easier to indulge, especially now that he has a helicopter pad in Palm Beach, making trips to Jupiter and Doral so much more inviting.

If he could control himself when it comes to golf, he’d be doing it already.

After all, he complained repeatedly about former President Barack Obama’s penchant for playing golf. Obama played 330 times during his eight years, an impressive count that averaged a round every 8.8 days.

“I’m going to be working for you,” Trump said on the campaign trail. “I’m not going to have time to play golf.”

But what has our new president done? Make 16 trips to golf courses during his first 12 weeks in office, a rate that will easily eclipse Obama, who didn’t visit his first golf course as president until he had been in office for more than three months.

We need to step in. Trump’s golf addiction must be too strong for him to handle alone. And if we don’t do something fast, one day we’ll find him weeping in some sand trap, devastated over a shank while the world spins out of control.

He’s making a mockery of the words he spoke just months ago:

“You know what, and I love golf, but if I were in the White House, I don’t think I’d ever see Turnberry again. I don’t think I’d ever see Doral again. I own Doral, in Miami. I don’t

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