The Palm Beach Post

Police adding drones, but not the armed variety

- By Justin Bachman Bloomberg

In small unmanned aerial drones, police and firefighte­rs have discovered a useful new tool, with at least 347 agencies in 43 states now flying them.

Drone deployment by law enforcemen­t and municipali­ties began more than a decade ago when it was just an emerging technology with extremely limited use. But those days are over: Last year, more public agencies acquired drones than in all previous years combined, with at least 167 department­s fielding the flying robots in 2016, according to a study released April 6 by Bard College’s Center for the Study of the Drone.

Texas and California agencies lead the public safety acquisitio­ns, with 28 and 23, respective­ly, followed by Alabama (20); Wisconsin (18); and Ohio and Pennsylvan­ia (13). All but seven states have at least one unmanned aerial vehicle operated by police, sheriffs, emergency response, or fire department­s, the report found.

But before you get too paranoid, remember that it’s not just the cops who have the ability to hover over your house. The Federal Aviation Administra­tion esti - mated last month that the consumer market will more than triple by 2021, with 3.5 million drones in use, up from about 1.1 million currently. Commercial­ly, about 420,000 profession­al drones are likely to be flying at any one time, 10 times the current fleet count.

In most law enforcemen­t scenarios, drones are being flown for traffic manage- ment or crime-scene photograph­y, according to the study. They’re also used for search and rescue, hazardous material spills, mass evacuation­s, and aerial viewing of fires or tracking fire personnel in dangerous settings. “We’ll see more use cases in the coming years,” predicts Dan Gettinger, the report’s author, who is also founder and co-director of the Bard center.

Ma ny A mer i c a n s f i r s t b e c a me aware o f p o l i c e use of unmanned vehicles last July, following a shooting spree in which a dozen Dallas police officers were shot by a sniper, five fatally. Faced with a heavily armed suspect who refused to surrender, the department sent a bomb squad robot armed with C4 explosive to deto- nate inside a downtown community college, killing him.

That drone’s weaponizat­ion — the first known U.S. police robot killing — sparked a brief public debate on the ethics and efficacy of nonmilitar­y deployment of technology to kill.

The robot shielded officers from further danger and ended a tense stalemate, an outcome police commanders view as defensible.

Extending that same logic to armed aerial drones, however, is fraught on constituti­onal grounds, and it’s one area where police have shown little inclinatio­n (at least publicly) to explore.

Legislator­s in Connecticu­t, however, want police to have the option.

A bill meant to ban weaponized drones there includes an exception for police, a move that’s sparked outrage in the somewhat progressiv­e New England state. At least one expert observer said the cost of police drone weaponizat­ion would outweigh any potential benefit.

“The attorneys who represent municipali­ties drive defensivel­y — they don’t want to take that bold step,” said Michael Geary, a retired New York City police sergeant, attorney, and associate professor in criminal justice who has written extensivel­y on police drone use.

“For day-to-day patrol, I can’t see it. I don’t think it’s necessary,” he said. “Why expose yourself to that civil liability? The amounts that would have to be paid for e ve n a c o u p l e o f c l a i ms would probably negate its use and shut it down very quickly.”

I n g u i d e l i n e s f o r unmanned drone use issued in 2015, the Internatio­nal Associatio­n of Chiefs of Police prohibits “weapons of any kind,” a proscripti­on carried over from the group’s initial policy recommenda­tion three years earlier that “strongly discourage­d” arming drones. The Airborne Law Enforcemen­t Associatio­n, which conducts drone training courses nationwide, has likewise seen no efforts to fly armed drones, said Don Roby, training program manager.

“You have to do a very detailed risk analysis,” Roby said. “I’m not sure that many agencies will take that risk.”

Law enforcemen­t already faces significan­t public skepticism about government d r o n e s , g i v e n t h e e n o rmous potential for privacy invasion, plus the loss of accountabi­lity that comes with a police officer’s physical presence. Several states have already enacted laws to protect people from drone snooping, and law enforcemen­t is required to obtain search warrants for many of their drone surveillan­ce activities.

Given the public’s existing fear of an Orwellian state, adding drones that can kill would likely amp up the paranoia significan­tly.

“I think there’s a lot of sensitivit­y still among police and sometimes controvers­y around police acquisitio­n and use of drones, mostly a round t he s ur ve i l l a nc e issue,” Gettinger said. “That sort of puts a damper on any attempt to experiment.”

In 2015, an online video of an armed drone firing a handgun drew national attention (and federal authoritie­s) and showed how the technique is possible. The Supreme Cour t has concluded that an exercise of force must be “objectivel­y reasonable” under the circumstan­ces to be legal, said Geary, who teaches at Albertus Magnus College in New Haven.

The court has also found that police cannot (in most circumstan­ces) use deadly force against a suspect who is fleeing.

“Yo u d o n ’ t h a v e t h a t same level of immediate force confrontin­g an officer,” said Geary, who has written articles on drone use for Police Chief Magazine. “They have less likelihood of being able to show the use of force was reasonable under the circumstan­ces.” In this situation, the drone operator becomes akin to a police sniper, Geary wrote in a 2015 article, authorized to fire only if an officer or civilian faces an imminent lethal threat. The “remoteness severely hampers their ability to justify using any kind of force.”

The vast majority of public safety drones in use are manufactur­ed by D JI, a company in Shenzhen, China, with an 80 percent share of the current deployment­s in Bard’s study, led by the consumer Phantom and Inspire models.

In recent weeks, D JI has launched a new profession­al drone platform, the eightpound M200, which will be sold only though dealers. The M200 is being marketed as a tool for bridge, wind turbine, oil rig, and power line inspection­s, as well as search and rescue, constructi­on site mapping, and crop surveys.

“Public safety has been an early adopter, and it started out with people trying out a lot of different consumer drones,” D JI spokesman Adam Li s ber g s a i d. “We count at least 59 lives that have been saved by people using drones.”

D JI has collected “a ton of feedback” from police in Europe and the U.S. on what they need from a drone, he said. Next steps include new software and communicat­ions abilities to help police coordinate their drone flights. But D JI has no plans to design drones with weapons, Lisberg said, calling that topic “a nonstarter for us.”

For law enforcemen­t drone use, Geary predicts that government lawyers will deliver a simple caveat: “You don’t want to be that test case that shows up at the Supreme Court.”

 ?? OILAI SHEN / BLOOMBERG 2016 ?? An Inspire 1 Pro drone flies at maker DJI’s headquarte­rs in Shenzhen, China. Most public safety drones now in use in the U.S. are made by DJI.
OILAI SHEN / BLOOMBERG 2016 An Inspire 1 Pro drone flies at maker DJI’s headquarte­rs in Shenzhen, China. Most public safety drones now in use in the U.S. are made by DJI.

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