The Palm Beach Post

Experts urge Trump to honor Iran nuke deal

Global group of 80 experts says the deal is working.

- Rick Gladstone

Alarmed that President Donald Trump may soon take steps that could unravel the internatio­nal nuclear agreement with Iran, more than 80 disarmamen­t experts urged him on Wednesday to reconsider and said the accord was working.

In a joint statement, the experts said the 2015 agreement, negotiated by the Obama administra­tion and the government­s of Britain, China, France, Germany and Russia, was a “net plus for internatio­nal nuclear nonprolife­ration efforts.”

Because of the monitoring powers contained in the agreement, they said, Iran’s capability to produce nuclear weapons had been sharply reduced.

They also said the agreement made it “very likely that any possible future effort by Iran to pursue nuclear weapons, even a clandestin­e program, would be detected promptly.”

Trump has repeatedly assailed the agreement — a signature achievemen­t of his predecesso­r — describing it as “a terrible deal” and a giveaway to Iran.

He also has said that he believes Iran is violating the accord, an assertion that has been contradict­ed by the Internatio­nal Atomic Energy Agency, the United Nations nuclear monitor that polices Iran’s compliance.

The accord, known as the Joint Comprehens­ive Plan of Action, severely limited Iran’s nuclear activities in return for ending or easing many sanctions that were hurting the Iranian economy.

Under U.S. law, Trump must recertify every 90 days that Iran is complying with the nuclear accord, or the U.S. sanctions that were lifted could be reinstated. The next 90-day deadline is in mid-October.

When he reluctantl­y signed the last recertific­ation in July, Trump said “if it was up to me, I would have had them noncomplia­nt 180 days ago.”

The possibilit­y that Trump may find a reason to declare Iran noncomplia­nt, regardless of the merits, alarmed the nonprolife­ration experts.

They warned in their statement that “unilateral action by the United States, especially on the basis of unsupporte­d contention­s of Iranian cheating, would isolate the United States.”

Last week, Trump’s ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, suggested in a Washington speech that the president would be justified in decertifyi­ng Iran even if it was technicall­y honoring the accord.

Iranian officials have said that any resumption of the nuclear-related sanctions by the United States would violate the accord.

Whether that would lead to its unraveling is unclear, but President Hassan Rouhani of Iran has suggested the country could quickly restore the nuclear-fuel enrichment capabiliti­es that had been limited by the agreement.

The signers of the statement urging Trump to respect the agreement are experts in nuclear nonprolife­ration diplomacy from around the world.

 ?? VAHID SALEMI / AP ?? Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has suggested his country could quickly restore the nuclear-fuel enrichment capabiliti­es that had been limited by the agreement if the U.S. ends it.
VAHID SALEMI / AP Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has suggested his country could quickly restore the nuclear-fuel enrichment capabiliti­es that had been limited by the agreement if the U.S. ends it.

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