The Palm Beach Post



“My cousin the Queen of Hearts is a bit neurotic,” the Queen of Diamonds confided to Alice as the players at the Mad Hatter’s took a tea break. “She can’t realize that losing a trick can be better than winning one.”

“Of course, your majesty,” Alice sighed.

“Deal,” said the Queen. “I’ll show you.”

Alice became declarer at today’s four hearts, and West, the Hatter, led a spade in deference to the March Hare’s overcall. The Hare took the queen and ace, stroked his whiskers and led the king. When

Alice followed, the Hatter paused for an instant ... and pitched a club!

“Off with his head,” the Queen of Hearts roared.

“He could have won a trick with me.”

Alice ruffed in dummy and let the nine of trumps ride, losing to the queen. She had to lose a second trump to the king and went down.

“See?” the Queen of Diamonds murmured. “If West ruffs the third spade with the queen of trumps, you finesse twice against East’s king and make the game.”

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: ♠ 72 ♥ 94 ◆ KQ10 7 ♣ AKQ86.Youarethe dealer. What is your opening call?

ANSWER: You have a sound opening bid. Some players would open one diamond, planning to bid two clubs after a majorsuit response, but I dislike distorting suit lengths, especially with minimum values. Open one club. If partner responds in a major, rebid two clubs or bid 1NT.

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