The Palm Beach Post



In July, I was back in Birmingham, Ala., for another “Longest Day” game to benefit the Alzheimer’s Associatio­n. The effort raised more than $1 million nationwide.

My partner, Gloria Kilpatrick, found a good bid as today’s North. When West jumped to two spades, Kilpatrick’s double was negative. When I rebid three hearts as South, she appreciate­d the value of her aces and spade singleton and raised to game.

West led a diamond, a sure singleton. I won in dummy and took the percentage play in trumps: I let the eight ride, hoping East had the 10 plus the king or queen. West won and led the ace and a second spade. I won, led a club to dummy and returned a second trump: 10, jack. East got a diamond at the end, but I had 10 tricks, a fortunate result.

After West had preempted, I might have taken a different view in trumps, playing East for K-Q-x. He might have deceived me by putting up the king on the first trump.

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: ♠ KQJ ♥ AJ9764 ◆ K95 ♣ 3. You open one heart, your partner bids two diamonds, you rebid two hearts and he tries two spades. What do you say?

ANSWER: Your twoheart rebid was conservati­ve, though no other action was attractive. Partner’s bidding has improved your hand; he suggests long diamonds and a strong hand. Jump to four diamonds. If he holds A 8 6 4, 2,AQ10764,J5,youcan make a slam.

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