The Palm Beach Post



My friend the English professor says a word to the wise is sufficient. But the merely intelligen­t may require a paragraph, and the oblivious a full-page essay.

Today’s West might have led a trump against five diamonds if he’d had one. South ruffed the club lead and began a crossruff: A-K of spades, spade ruff high. East threw the 10 of hearts.

Declarer continued with a club ruff, a spade ruff high, a club ruff and a spade ruff high. Dummy next led the king of hearts, and East won and led another club. South ruffed for his ninth trick and cashed the queen of trumps, but when he tried to take the queen of hearts, East ruffed and had the rest. Down one.

Here’s the word. Before you crossruff, take your side-suit winners. South must lead a heart to the king at Trick Two. If East wins and leads a trump, South wins and takes the queen of hearts. He can then crossruff for 11 tricks.

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: ♠ 5 ♥ KQ4 ◆ AK10 3 ♣ Q7532.Youarethe dealer. What is your opening call?

ANSWER: This is a mandatory opening bid. Many players would open one diamond, planning to bid two clubs over the likely response of one spade. But partner would correctly take a two-diamond preference­withA7642,A96 3, 6 4, 9 4, reaching a silly contract. I would open one club and rebid 1NT over a one-spade response or raise a one-heart response.

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