The Palm Beach Post



“If the man was in a wreck,” Unlucky Louie growled, “the other vehicle would be an ambulance staffed with a trauma team.”

Louie was talking about the player we call Harlow the Halo. His luck is as unfailingl­y good as Louie’s is hopeless. Harlow’s errors never cost.

Both Louie and Harlow played today’s 3NT, and West led a heart. Harlow swiftly put up dummy’s queen, winning. He took the ace of clubs, led a spade to his hand and let the 10 of clubs ride. East won, and Harlow claimed 10 tricks.

“I played low from dummy on the first heart,” Louie said, “and took the ace. I finessed in clubs. East won and shifted to the jack of diamonds, so I took only nine tricks. We lost an IMP.”

Poor Louie. He played correctly. If East had held the king of hearts, Harlow would have gone down, off four hearts and a club. Louie still would have made 3NT. When he lost the club finesse, he had nine winners, and dummy’s queen of hearts was safe from attack.

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: ♠ 54 ♥ Q74 ◆ 65 4 ♣ A K J 9 2. Your partner opens one heart. The next player passes. What do you say?

ANSWER: The answer depends on system. In “Standard” methods, bid two clubs. If partner rebids two hearts, raise to three, inviting game. If he bids two diamonds, bid two hearts, also inviting. In a style where a two-club response would force to game, you must conceal your side suit and respond 1NT.

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