The Palm Beach Post




Romantic kissing at the mall and such, briefly 5 Skier’s challenge 10 Ref’s decisions 14 Finnish architect

Saarinen 15 Egg-shaped 16 Tipsy

17 Rich

19 To be, in

Bordeaux 20 English china 21 With 61-Across, seriously overweight fictional sleuth

Chick’s cry Tree-toppling tool “That’s cheating!” Wine evaluators Get in your face about

34 Lisbon hello 35 Shankar’s

instrument 38 Personal, as


39 Break in relations 41 Lawyer’s backlog 43 “I’m paying for

the drinks” 44 Dined at home 46 Indian breads 48 “A mouse!” 49 Sound equipment that may pick up a private remark 51 Prayerful chants 53 Scold loudly 56 Sticky stuff 57 “Cosmos” author


59 Chief Asgard god 61 See 21-Across 65 Healthful berry 66 Object of the puddy tat’s pursuit

68 Skinny 69 Dominican

Republic neighbor 70 Triangle

calculatio­n 71 Prefix with


72 Max of Dadaism 73 Consider

1 22 23 25 27 31


Benches flanking church aisles Thoughtful Guthrie at Woodstock 4 Went for in an auction

Homer’s bartender

6 Pizza maker 7 Ancient Greek


8 In __: not yet born 9 Batted first 10 1993 film with an instrument in its title

2000s best-seller involving flying toys, with “The” 12 Fairy tale meanie 13 Herding dog


18 Evil spells 24 Guitarist Clapton 26 Muhammad in a ring

Hebrew scroll Samuel on the Supreme Court 29 Protective bar on


2 3


11 27 28

a flat roof 30 X-Men co-creator


32 Mythical lion’s


33 Arduous journeys 36 Words that connect each pair of four-letter words intersecti­ng at a circle

37 Unit at Staples 40 Facebook feature 42 Stocking tear 45 Zip, in soccer 47 Wintry and white 50 Provide

apparel for 52 “Tough!” 54 No-holds-barred commercial competitio­n 55 Advertisin­g link 57 Suffragist Carrie 58 Tooth pain 60 Brooklyn NBA


62 Old Italian cash 63 Priceless? 64 Cheese from the

Netherland­s 67 Tiny songbird

 ?? By Lila Cherry © 2018 Tribune Content Agency, LLC. ??
By Lila Cherry © 2018 Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
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