The Palm Beach Post

The widening gap between connection and loneliness

- David Brooks He writes for the New York Times.

Bob Hall was a rancher. In 1936, in the midst of the Depression, he was suffering from a cancer that was eating the flesh on the side of his face. His ranch had dwindled to nearly nothing, and weeks after bankers took the last of his livestock, Hall died, leaving his family deeply in debt.

His sons pleaded with anybody they could find to make a loan and save the family ranch. No one would do it. Finally, in desperatio­n, they went to their neighbor, Buzz Newton, who was known for his miserlines­s, and asked him to co-sign a loan. “I always thought so much of your dad; he was the most generous man I have known,” Newton answered. “Yes, I’ll co-sign the note.”

Bob Hall’s grandson, also named Robert Hall, drew out the lesson in his book “This Land of Strangers,” noting: “The truth is, relationsh­ips are the most valuable and value-creating resource of any society. They are our lifelines to survive, grow and thrive.”

There’s a mountain of evidence suggesting that the quality of our relationsh­ips has been in steady decline for decades. In the 1980s, 20 percent of Americans said they were often lonely. Now it’s 40 percent. Suicide rates are now at a 30-year high. Depression rates have increased tenfold since 1960, which is not only a result of greater reporting.

Former Surgeon General Vivek Murthy summarized his experience as a doctor in an article in September in The Harvard Business Review: “During my years caring for patients, the most common pathology I saw was not heart disease or diabetes; it was loneliness.”

Last year, Jean Twenge wrote a much-discussed article for The Atlantic, “Have Smartphone­s Destroyed a Generation,” charting the accelerati­ng social collapse. Teenagers are suddenly less likely to date, less likely to leave the home without their parents, more likely to put off the activities of adulthood. They are spending more time alone with their digital screens, and the greater the screen time, the greater the unhappines­s.

I summarize all this because loneliness and social isolation are the problem that undergird many of our other problems. More Americans are socially poor. And yet it is very hard for the socially wealthy to even see this fact. It is the very nature of loneliness and social isolation to be invisible. We talk as if the lonely don’t exist.

I was really struck by this last week, when Mark Zuckerberg came through Washington. Most of the questions he faced at the congressio­nal hearings and most of the analysis in the press were about Facebook’s failure to protect privacy. That’s the sort of thing that may be uppermost on your mind if you are socially wealthy, if, like most successful politician­s and analysts, you live within a thick web of connection and feel as if your social schedule is too full.

But the big issue surroundin­g Facebook is not privacy. It’s that Facebook and other social media companies are feeding this epidemic of loneliness and social isolation.

Such big subjects didn’t come up in the Zuckerberg hearings because socially wealthy and socially poor people experience Facebook differentl­y and perceive reality and social problems differentl­y. It’s hard to quantify and communicat­e the decline in quality of relationsh­ips. But it is nonetheles­s true that many of us who are socially wealthy don’t really know how the other half lives.

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