The Palm Beach Post

Lava spews 200 feet in air, destroys 26 homes

Scientists expect Kilauea to keep erupting, but locals say only Hawaii’s volcano goddess Pele knows how long the lava will flow.

- By Caleb Jones, Jennifer Peltz and Sophia Yan

PAHOA, HAWAII — The number of homes destroyed by Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano jumped to 26 Sunday as scientists reported lava spewing more than 200 feet into the air.

Some of the more than 1,700 people who evacuated prepared for the possibilit­y they may not return for quite some time.

Hawaii officials said the destroyed homes were in the Leilani Estates subdivisio­n, where molten rock, toxic gas and steam have been bursting through openings in the ground created by the volcano. Officials updated the number of lost homes after an aerial survey of the subdivisio­n.

“That number could change,” Hawaii County spokeswoma­n Janet Snyder said. “This is heartbreak­ing.”

Amber Makuakane, 37, a teacher and single mother of two, said her three-bedroom house in Leilani Estates was destroyed by lava.

The dwelling was across from a fissure that opened Friday, when “there was some steam rising from all parts of the yard, but everything looked fine,” Makuakane said.

On Saturday, she received alerts from her security system that motion sensors throughout the house had been triggered. She later confirmed that lava had covered her property.

“They don’t really understand,” she said about her children. “My son keeps asking me, ‘Mommy when are we going to go home?’”

Makuakane grew up in the area and lived in her house for nine years. Her parents also live in Leilani Estates.

“The volcano and the lava — it’s always been a part of my life,” she said. “It’s devastatin­g ... but I’ve come to terms with it.”

Lava has spread around 387,500 square feet surroundin­g the most active fissure, though the rate of movement is slow. There was no indication when the lave might stop or how far it might spread.

“There’s more magma in the system to be erupted. As long as that supply is there, the eruption will continue,” U.S. Geological Survey volcanolog­ist Wendy Stovall said.

Traditiona­l Hawaiian beliefs say it depends on Pele, the volcano goddess who is said to reside in Kilauea.

“You have to ask Pele,” Steve Clapper said when asked whether he had any idea when he’d return to his Leilani Estates home.

Clapper had to put his ailing 88-year-old mother into a car and leave shortly after hearing an ominous rumbling behind the house. He believes he saw its roof still standing in photos of the area but can’t be sure. Still, the California native was sanguine as he assessed his situation.

“What can you do? You have no control over it,” Clapper said as he started his day at a nearby evacuation shelter. “Pele’s the boss, you know.”

 ?? U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ?? Lava from a fissure slowly advances to the northeast on Hookapu Street near Pahoa, Hawaii, on Saturday after Thursday’s eruption of Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano. The governor of Hawaii has declared a local state of emergency near the mountain.
U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Lava from a fissure slowly advances to the northeast on Hookapu Street near Pahoa, Hawaii, on Saturday after Thursday’s eruption of Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano. The governor of Hawaii has declared a local state of emergency near the mountain.

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