The Palm Beach Post

Turnout weak as Lebanese cast votes in first national elections since 2009

- By Philip Issa and Bassem Mroue

boring Syria in 2011, sending side candidates could win more than 1 million refugees seats in Parliament. to Lebanon,a small country More than 500 candidates with an estimated population are running for 128 seats in BEIRUT — Lebanon’s first of around 4.5 million. The Lebanon’s National Assembly. national elections in nine war has divided the counFist fights broke out in years were marked by a try, pitting parties supportand around polling stations tepid turnout Sunday, reflecting the Iran-sponsored Hezaround the country, as rival ing voter frustratio­n over bollah’s interventi­on in Syria partisans accused each other endemic corruption and a to aid President Bashar Assad and election officials of balstagnan­t economy. Politi- against Saudi-aligned parties lot stuffing and illegal camcians urged citizens to vote opposed to it. paigning. and security forces struggled Early results were expected In the Choueifat district, a to maintain order as fights to start coming in later Suncrowd inside a station accused broke out in and around poll- day, but official results are not the station supervisor of illegal ing stations. expected to be announced voting practices and smashed

President Michel Aoun before today. a ballot box, spilling its conappeale­d to voters to vote But low turnout — between tents across the floor. The in a televised address an hour 30 and 40 percent in Beiarmy ordered the media to before polls closed. “If you rut precincts, according to turn off their cameras. want change, you should exer- the country’s National News In Zahle, the politician cise your right” to vote, he Agency — betrayed wide- Mryiam Skaff blamed memsaid in a message published spread voter apathy for the bers of the right-wing Lebaon Twitter at the same time. main political currents govnese Forces party of beating

The elections are the first erning the country and left up her supporters in polling since war broke out in neigh- open the possibilit­y that out- stations.

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