The Palm Beach Post



In January, I was in

South Florida on holiday (it was icy cold in Alabama), and I enjoyed a game at

Dan Handler’s Community Bridge Club in North Palm Beach. As West in today’s deal, I muffed a tough problem on defense. Cover the East/South cards and try it yourself.

When South bid four spades, I might well have doubled again. If my partner had then bid five hearts, he could have made it. Against four spades I led the ace of trumps to see dummy — to see what lead would have been better, a cynic might say.

Any continuati­on looked perilous. I tried the ace and a low diamond, hoping East ruffed. South won, drew trumps and ran the diamonds to pitch his hearts. He lost a club at the end, making four.

At Trick Two, I could have led a low diamond — unlikely to cost even if South had a singleton. East would be sure to get in, and a heart shift would sink the contract.

DAILY QUESTION: You hold: ♠ A ♥ AJ54 ◆ A8 62 ♣ K J 7 2. You are the dealer. What is your opening call?

ANSWER: This type of hand is hard to describe. You want to show all your suits without getting too high in case of a misfit. I would not open 1NT, promising balanced pattern when I don’t have it. Open one diamond. If partner responds one spade, bid two clubs. If he then returns to two diamonds, bid two hearts. If he rebids two spades, you can try 2NT.

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