The Palm Beach Post

GOP immigratio­n rebels push forward despite Trump threat

- By Mike DeBonis

WASHINGTON — House advocates for moderate immigratio­n policies stood at the cusp of forcing votes on bills that would give young undocument­ed immigrants a pathway to U.S. citizenshi­p — even as President Donald Trump threatened to veto any legislatio­n that did not hew to his hard-line views.

Backers of a “discharge” petition that would spark an immigratio­n debate over the wishes of House Republican leaders stood five signatures short of reaching the necessary 218 after two Republican­s and six Democrats added their names Thursday.

They signed as conservati­ve and moderate Republican­s negotiated with House leaders to avert the discharge — and hours after Trump responded to the effort by pledging to veto any bill that does not build “a real wall” along the U.S.-Mexico border.

“Unless it improves a wall, and I mean a wall, a real wall, and unless it improves very strong border security, there’ll be no approvals from me, because I have to either approve it or not,” Trump said during a Fox News Channel interview taped Wednesday and aired early Thursday.

Even with Trump threatenin­g a veto, House Republican leaders want to avoid a messy floor showdown over immigratio­n — an issue that has badly split their party for years. Speaker Paul D. Ryan, R-Wis., on Thursday acknowledg­ed “very good conversati­ons” but refused to say whether he supports a key demand from the discharger­s: a vote on a bill that would create permanent legal status for young immigrants, known as “Dreamers,” who arrived in the United States illegally as children.

“We’re trying to find that sweet spot,” Ryan said. “We’re not going to negotiate through the media.”

GOP Reps. Tom Reed, N.Y., and Brian Fitzpatric­k, Pa., signed on Thursday. The discharge proponents said they remain prepared to gather the remaining signatures next month, after Congress returns from a weeklong Memorial Day break.

Rep. Carlos Curbelo, R-Fla., who filed the petition and is among the leaders of the effort to force immigratio­n votes, said he believes that the break will make Republican­s more likely to sign on when they return.

“If there’s an agreement before we get to 25 [Republican signatures], that’s the only thing that will impede our progress,” he said. “We will get to the number we need to get to.”

Whether an agreement is possible remains in serious doubt. Rep. Mark Walker, R-N.C., who has been involved in the talks as chairman of the conservati­ve Republican Study Committee, said negotiatio­ns were “on hold” pending the recess, with a key question unresolved: whether to allow a vote on a bill granting permanent legal status for dreamers — one that, by implicatio­n or not, would give them a path to citizenshi­p.

“Is it a special pathway or not? That’s where the hang-up is,” Walker said. “As far as putting them in front [of the line for citizenshi­p], that’s where it shuts down.”

Rep. Patrick T. McHenry, N.C., the GOP chief deputy whip, who has been closely involved in the effort to quash the discharge, said the talks will come to a head when lawmakers return to Washington next month. The backers effectivel­y have until June 9 to gather support if they want to force votes by the end of next month.

“It’s in complete flux,” McHenry said of the talks.

 ?? AL DRAGO / BLOOMBERG ?? House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., on Thursday refused to say whether he supports a vote on a bill to create permanent legal status for “Dreamers.”
AL DRAGO / BLOOMBERG House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., on Thursday refused to say whether he supports a vote on a bill to create permanent legal status for “Dreamers.”

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